AEW Dynamite Results: Ospreay vs. Shibata, Swerve vs. Takeshita

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

March 27th, 2024

By: John Siino

Centre Videotron in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone

Will Ospreay vs. Katsuyori Shibata

They showed highlights of their only other one-on-one match at NJPW The New Beginning in Osaka from February 11, 2017 where Katsuyori Shibata got the victory. They start the match slow trying to test each other out, as the crowd is mostly behind Will Ospreay. Ospreay keeps Katsuyori Shibata grounded with a headscissors, but Shibata escapes and just nearly misses a PK. Ospreay comes right back with a dropkick and keeps Shibata cornered with punches. Ospreay sends Shibata to the outside with another kick before meeting him there with a crossbody off of the ropes. Shibata stops Ospreay with a kick on the apron as they are trying to get back in the ring, and stays on top of him on the outside. Shibata stays in control with a brainbuster and kicks the back of Ospreay before he gets back in the ring and poses as Ospreay is on the outside. Back inside, they start trading chops and strikes that Shibata stops with a back suplex as we go to our first picture-in-picture.

They fight on the outside where Ospreay springboards off the barricade with a forearm, before hitting another springboard forearm back inside the ring for two. Shibata comes back with multiple chops and strikes to Ospreay in the corner, where he grounds him and hits his dropkick. Back and forth before Shibata catches Ospreay off the ropes, right into an STF. Shibata follows with a PK, but Ospreay catches his second attempt at one. Ospreay hits an Os Cutter as Shibata kicks out at one and they go back and forth before Ospreay hits a back suplex and uppercut for two. Ospreay comes back with a Tiger Driver and the Hidden Blade for the pin and the win.

Winner: Will Ospreay by pinfall at 18:56

They show each other respect after the match, before cutting to a video package on Bryan Danielson talking about his entire wrestling history and coming to AEW.

Lightning Striking Twice

Renee Paquette is with The Young Bucks in the back who says that she is being negative bringing up Private Party defeating them in the past and they start asking for Alex Marvez instead. They talk about retiring Sting, restructuring The Elite, Kazuchika Okada winning the AEW Continental Championship fair and square, and telling him he can relax tonight and watch from the back. They talk about getting their AEW World Tag Team Championship back writing the wrong and getting the win back with Private Party and how lightning never strikes twice. They end the segment by telling Renee to smile more.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament Quarter-Final Match: The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson) vs. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

They show Kazuchika Okada arriving at the arena in his red Ferrari. Matthew Jackson & Isiah Kassidy start the match, as Matthew tells Kassidy to show him some respect, which he does not, and goes for pin attempts. All four quickly start going at it, with Private Party sending the Young Bucks to the outside with super kicks, where they meet them with topes. Matthew tries to send Private Party over the barricade, but they come right back with Silly String. Nicholas Jackson & Marq Quen start fighting on the barricade where Nicholas hits a Falcon Arrow to the floor. Young Bucks try to get the count-out victory, as Okada is seen watching from the back but Kassidy tosses Quen back inside before he can get counted out. Bucks stay in control as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Quen takes out Matthew with a Side Effect, before making the hot tag to Kassidy who goes after both Bucks. Kassidy continues to fight them both off, hitting Nicholas with an Asai Moonsault and a springboard crossbody on Matthew for two. Nicholas takes out Quen with a suplex on the apron, before tagging out to Matthew as they continue to double-team on Quen. Nicholas breaks up Private Party from winning the match and grabs the ring bell, but Rick Knox takes it away from him. During all this, Matthew hits Kassidy with a low blow, but Quen takes out Nicholas with one of the title belts, Matthew is there to put Nicholas foot on the rope to break up the pin. Matthew dodges a 630 attempt from Quen, as the Bucks follow with an attempt at an EVP Trigger that goes horribly wrong, but go for the pin after regardless.

Winners: The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson) by pinfall at 13:26, to advance

We get a video with Don Callis hyping up Konosuke Takeshita before tonight’s main event against Swerve Strickland.

Darby Allin’s Pro Skater

We see a video of Darby Allin on crutches with Tony Hawk as they talk about raising funds for Hawk’s skate parks and how Darby has another plan since he can’t climb Mt. Everest this year, as we see him sitting on the ramp as Hawk does tricks off his broken foot.

Proposition For Hook

Renee is backstage with Chris Jericho & Hook, as we hear Jericho’s proposition for Hook. Jericho said after being in the week with Hook, he exceeded the expectations and got the biggest victory in his career. Jericho says he’s ok and proud of Hook and talks about never having a school or managing anybody, but after 33 years in this business if Hook wants any advice he is there for him. Hook says he respects Jericho, but he knows who he is. Jericho says he knows who Hook is but more importantly who he could be, as Hook says ‘let’s get it’.

AEW TBS Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Willow Nightingale vs. Anna Jay vs. Kris Statlander (w/ Stokely Hathaway) vs. Skye Blue

Mercedes Mone’ joins commentary for this match to see who will face Julia Hart at AEW Dynasty. Right away Skye Blue kicks Kris Statlander, taking her to the outside as Willow Nightingale whips Anna Jay into Blue, knocking her back off the apron. Mercedes talks about how she’s gunning for Willow, for injuring her. They all start going at it, including Willow pouncing Blue right in front of Mercedes and getting in her face as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Statlander is in control and heads to the top, but Jay stops her and hits a superplex that Willow breaks up a pin attempt at two with a senton. Willow tries a Doctor’s Bomb, but Blue reverses it for two before hitting a Code Blue, which Statlander breaks up. Jay attacks both Blue & Statlander, trying to cover them both, but they both kick out. Willow comes back with a missile dropkick on Jay before going face-to-face with Statlander. Blue tries to stop them but gets double-teamed. Blue & Willow fight on the apron, where Willow hits a Death Valley Driver as Stokely Hathaway is laughing maniacally. Jay & Statlander go at it before Willow runs in and hits the Doctor Bomb on Jay for the pin and win.

Winner: Willow Nightingale by pinfall at 9:50, to become #1 Contender to the AEW TBS Championship

As soon as the match ends, Julia Hart runs in and takes out Willow with her title belt before staring down Mercedes who stands up and gets closer. It is made official for AEW Dynasty; Julia Hart defending the AEW TBS Championship against Willow Nightingale.

Rhodes, Butcher & Turner Classic Movies

Renee is backstage with Dustin Rhodes talking about this year he’s been having, before The Butcher walks in and they make a match for this Friday’s Rampage. Rhodes ends it by saying everybody loves him, including Canada.

We go to Toni Storm with Ben Mankiewicz at the Turner Classic Movies studios, as Storm tries to get him to do her catchphrase with her, which he doesn’t do.

We get a video package for Swerve Strickland, carrying the chain, saying he has his eyes set on Samoa Joe after he’s done with Konosuke Takeshita tonight.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament Quarter-Final Match: Best Friends (Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta) (w/ Chuck Taylor) vs. The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) (w/ Roderick Strong)

As soon as the match starts, Orange Cassidy takes Matt Taven to the outside as Mike Bennett attacks Trent Beretta with a lariat before taking out Taven with a tope. Bennett joins in before Cassidy hits a top rope dive to them on the outside. Undisputed Kingdom stays in control with Bennett taking out Beretta with a piledriver on the apron as we go to picture-in-picture.

We come back to see Cassidy get the hot tag and go after Bennett & Taven, hitting a top rope crossbody on Taven and a Tornado DDT attempt, right into a Stundog Millionaire on Bennett. Taven comes right back with a knee strike. Roderick Strong takes out Chuck Taylor on the outside and enters the ring to distract Cassidy, but he takes him to the outside and hits him with a suicide dive. The Undisputed Kingdom tries to hit a spiked piledriver on Beretta, but Taylor takes out Bennett off the top rope, as Beretta rolls up Taven for the pin and the win.

Winners: Best Friends (Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta) by pinfall at 9:32, to advance

The Young Bucks come out after to stare down the Best Friends, as they will face off on next week’s Dynamite in the Semi-Finals of the tag team title tournament. The Bucks comedically use their elevator just to enter and exit the staredown.

Kyle On His Own

Renee is in the back with Kyle O’Reilly who says it’s good to be back but the roster is so deep there’s no such thing as an easy match. O’Reilly says he loves the Undisputed Kingdom, but he has to do this on his own and says he will be in actually on Collision this Saturday in London, Ontario.

We get a video package on Adam Copeland, speaking right after winning the TNT Championship last week against Christian Cage. Copeland talks about this being the first time he properly won a title since 2011 and now it’s time for him to defend this championship, and says the Cope Open is back this Saturday in London for Collision.

AEW World Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Konosuke Takeshita

They state that these two men are on the top of the singles rankings, and the winner will be the #1 contender to face off against Samoa Joe, as Don Callis joins commentary for this match. Konosuke Takeshita stops Swerve Strickland’s momentum at the start of the match with a forearm off the ropes, as we see Samoa Joe watching this match from the back. Things get a bit heated on commentary as Taz is trying to explain Tony Schiavone the logistics of pinning, questioning Schiavone if he’s ever had a match. Takeshita stays in control as the referee tries to check on Swerve. They fight on the ropes before Swerve hits a German Suplex, but Takeshita comes right back with a hard right punch, sending Swerve to the outside and us into picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Swerve sends Takeshita to the outside where he hits him with a hurricanrana, sends him back inside, and hits a top rope crossbody for one. Takeshita stays on top of Swerve with strikes and a knee strike that sends him to the outside where Swerve dives onto him. Back inside, they head to the corner where Swerve hits a snap DDT, heads to the top rope, and hits a Sky Twister for two. They trade a Poison Rana and a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Swerve stops all the momentum with a right hook. More back and forth until Swerve goes to the top rope, just for Takeshita to roll to the apron as Swerve hits him with a Swerve Stomp anyway. Swerve heads to the top again and tries another Swerve Stomp, only to be caught right into a Power Bomb. Swerve dodges a Falcon Arrow attempt, before Takeshita turns it into a German Suplex followed by the Power Drive knee, which Swerve kicks out at. They head to the top rope, as Swerve pushes Takeshita off and tries another Swerve Stomp that he misses. Swerve sends Takeshita into the corner, hits the House Call, and finally hits the top rope Swerve Stomp, as Takeshita kicks out at two. More back and forth before Swerve hits a pop-up stomp followed by Big Pressure for the pin and the win.

Winner: Swerve Strickland by pinfall at 19:39, to become #1 Contender for the AEW World Championship

Renee asks Samoa Joe in the back how he’s feeling knowing he has to face Swerve one-on-one, as Joe says next week Swerve will sign on the dotted line and he will make Swerve understand what he’s asking for, before saying Swerve is not ready and not that man.

About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.