Martha Hart not surprised by Vince McMahon lawsuit, says the level of wickedness is ‘beyond the pale’

Martha Hart weighs in on the lawsuit allegations. 

Back in January, a lawsuit was filed by former WWE employee Janel Grant who accused now-former WWE and TKO executive Vince McMahon of sexual trafficking. In the 67-page filing, Grant detailed the physical and mental abuse she endured in her interactions with McMahon. 

Weighing on in the lawsuit allegations was Martha Hart and she did so while speaking to NewsNation’s Ashleigh Banfield. Hart stated that she was hesitant to come on the show to speak about the topic at hand but felt it was important to do so. 

She was not surprised to hear about there being another lawsuit, adding that the level of wickedness that is described in the complaint is beyond out of bounds. 

Yes, well Ashleigh (Banfield), thank you so much for inviting me on the show and you’re right, I was a little reluctant to come on but I thought it’s such an important topic that I just wanted to be able to contribute to that.

No, I was not surprised when I heard there was yet another lawsuit (against Vince McMahon & WWE). Over the years, the WWE, they’ve had many lawsuits and they’ve had a lot of bad press and I tell you, I read all of the 67 pages in that complaint and it is absolutely horrific and I have to say that the level of wickedness that’s described is beyond the pale in that complaint and anyone with a shred of humanity would find the indignant acts just incomprehensible, frankly. So, it wasn’t a shock that there was another lawsuit but the level of, I guess, depravity there certainly was and I’m a doctor in mental health and I’m also the founder and director of the Owen Hart Foundation so no matter what hat I’m wearing, I always work with at-risk people and I can tell you that it’s the — anyone that takes advantage of a vulnerable person is the most despicable type of person because these are people that need to be supported and protected, not exploited and by Janel Grant’s own admission, she was a vulnerable person. She was unemployed, her parents had passed away, she was suffering with grief and she was also just on the cusp of financial collapse. So these are all the makings of a very vulnerable person. 

She went on to further discuss the history between herself and the McMahons. Hart said she went toe-to-toe with WWE but it was a David and Goliath situation. 

She feels they’ll do anything to protect themselves and thinks a lot of times with wealthy people, they feel their wealth has no bounds and in turn, they have no boundaries themselves. 

Well you know, I did go toe-to-toe twice with Vince McMahon, Linda McMahon and their company and it was a David and Goliath battle and I’ll tell you that it was a tooth and nail fight and they will stop at nothing to protect themselves for sure. They run a billion-dollar company and in doing that, they’re able to, like a lot of big companies, they’re able to delay cases, they’re able to muddy the waters, they’re able to detract and take everything away from the case at hand and so in that sense, they can hire the best lawyers and they have that might on their side and a lot of times what happens with wealthy people, their wealth, they feel has no bounds and so then they have no boundaries and they feel that they can do anything and get away with anything.

To close, Martha was asked if she had any advice for Janel Grant and she stated that following: 

I would say just to stay the course and her claim is very credible and I would be steadfast in my convictions and don’t back down.

The allegations against Vince McMahon and matters connected to it have been extensively covered by John Pollock and Brandon Thurston on their Pollock x Thurston show. Head over to the POST Wrestling podcast archives for the latest. 

If the quotes in this article are used, please credit NewsNation with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.

About Andrew Thompson 8842 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.