AEW Dynamite Results: Bryan Danielson vs. Satnam Singh, Swerve vs. Nick Wayne

Photo Courtesy: AEW

AEW Dynamite

May 22, 2024

By: John Siino

Mechanics Bank Arena in Bakersfield, California

Commentary: Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone


  • Dark: Zak Knight over Che Cabrera
  • Trent Beretta & Roderick Strong over Orange Cassidy & Will Ospreay via pinfall at 12:57
  • FTW Title #1 Contenders Three Way: Hook & Katsuyori Shibata over Bryan Keith via submission at 6:30
  • Swerve Strickland over Nick Wayne via pinfall at 8:55 (Recommended)
  • Malakai Black over Kyle O’Reilly via pinfall at 10:17 (Recommended)
  • Toni Storm & Mariah Over over Saraya & Harley Cameron via pinfall at 9:11 (Recommended)
  • Bryan Danielson over Satnam Singh via DQ at 5:01

Dynamite: A Tony Khan Saga

The intro to the show is spliced with clips from the new movie Warner Bros. film “Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga”, as Don Callis joins commentary for the opening match.

Orange Cassidy & Will Ospreay vs. Trent Beretta & Roderick Strong (w/ Matt Taven & Mike Bennett)

As soon as the bell rings with Roderick Strong & Will Ospreay starting the match, Orange Cassidy runs to Trent Beretta and starts brawling with him on the outside before Ospreay dives to Beretta on the outside and Cassidy dives inside to Strong before diving right back out to Beretta. Strong stays in control of Ospreay in the corner with chops, as the crowd starts chanting for Ospreay. Cassidy gets the tag in and takes out Beretta on the apron before going after Strong. Beretta goes to piledriver Cassidy on the steel steps again, but Ospreay is able to stop it. All four start brawling on the outside as we go to picture-in-picture.

We return to see Cassidy scoop over to Ospreay, before kipping up and tagging out. Ospreay hits a double springboard PK to Beretta & Strong before Beretta is able to knock Ospreay down with a release half-and-half suplex. Strong stays on top of Ospreay until Ospreay powerbombs Strong followed by a dive and an elbow drop from Cassidy for two. Cassidy sets up for the Orange Punch, but Beretta holds on to his leg. Strong takes advantage, as they go to the top rope before Ospreay & Beretta join them. Ospreay lands on his feet as all 4 men start going at it. Beretta goes to take the turnbuckle pad off, but Bryce Remsburg stops him. As the referee is distracted, Don Callis runs out and helps Cassidy by holding onto his leg and not getting the End of Heartache. Matt Taven & Mike Bennett get taken out and dove onto by Ospreay, before Wardlow runs out and attacks Ospreay from behind. Back in the ring, Cassidy misses the Orange Punch and gets a knee strike by Beretta followed by the End of Heartache by Strong for the pin and the win.

Winners: Roderick Strong & Trent Beretta by pinfall at 12:57

The Undisputed Kingdom & Beretta continue to attack Cassidy & Ospreay including knocking out Ospreay with the title belt. Callis goes to check on Cassidy, but Beretta tells him to stay back. Ospreay is busted open as Strong yells that he will never have his International Championship, and Beretta has Cassidy in a Gogoplata on the outside.

Tuck Your Shirt In

We go to The Young Bucks in the back with security with signs that say Darby Allin is barred from the building and tell security to get a good look at him and to not let him in the building. Sonjay Dutt walks in and says the Bucks are taking care of problems like the FTR and tonight Satnam Singh is going to destroy Bryan Danielson. Matthew Jackson says it’s cool if he beats him, but it’ll be great if he hurts him. Sonjay tells them to put some rupees in the envelope because he’s going to break Danielson like a pencil. Matthew keeps yelling at people to tuck their shirts on before calling to move to the next segment.

Death Triangle Reforms

The Bang Bang Gang comes to the ring and plays to the crowd for a bit before Jay White addresses PAC, and asks how to even pronounce his name. White says PAC made three mistakes, including not running away from them and looking at them with his face. Mistake number two was PAC sticking his bastard nose in his match with Rocky Romero, but mistake number three was the biggest mistake of all by begging them to make him care, so they gave him something to care about. This segment was falling flat with someone even audibly shouting ‘Who wrote this shit?’ but they luckily get interrupted by PAC who says three-on-one isn’t exactly fair, before introducing his amigos as the Death Triangle make their way out and going after the Bang Bang Gang in the ring. They chase them away before PAC gets on the mic and challenges them to the unified Trios Championships for this Sunday.

FTW Championship #1 Contender’s Three-Way Eliminator Match: Hook vs. Bryan Keith vs. Katsuyori Shibata

Chris Jericho joins commentary for this match, and Taz right away tells him that FTW doesn’t stand for For The World as all three men go after each other, before Bryan Keith knocks Hook into Katsuyori Shibata, knocking him to the outside. Hook goes for the Redrum, but Shibata joins in before it gets broken up with a lawbreaker. All three men get knocked down as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we come back, Shibata is going after both men with dropkicks in the corners. Keith backs into the corner to break up a Redrum attempt from Hook, before headbutting him in the corner and hitting the Diamond Dust, but Shibata is right there to stop him with a PK followed by a neckbreaker. Shibata puts on the Figure Four with a heel hook, but Hook joins in and puts Keith in the Redrum as Keith taps out. It is announced that both men have won by submission.

Winners: Hook & Katsuyori Shibata by submission at 6:30

Chris Jericho gets on the mic and agrees with the crowd to ‘let them fight’, and says he got on the mic to get more camera time and calls this an interesting call by Rick Knox as it makes his job a lot harder at Double or Nothing. Jericho says he’s proud of them for being part of the Jericho Vortex and learning from the Learning Tree. Jericho says he’s the longest reigning For The World Champion and says it’ll be the first-ever three-way for this title at Double or Nothing, as Tony Schiavone says the match has been made official via text from Tony Khan.

We get a video package hyping up the Willow Nightingale / Mercedes Mone’ match with highlights of their feud.

Konosuke Takeshita (w/ Don Callis) vs. Matt Sydal

Konosuke Takeshita goes right after Matt Sydal, with a brainbuster and stomps. Sydal comes right back with a DDT and heads to the top rope, but Takeshita is able to dodge him and hit the Blue Thunder Bomb as Don Callis tells him to finish it. Takeshita hits a big right forearm and gets the quick win.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita by pinfall at 1:58

Takeshita helps Sydal up, just to take him right back down with a release German suplex. Takeshita keeps attacking Sydal as Jon Moxley’s music and he enters the ring with a microphone as Callis runs off. Instead of saying anything, Moxley knocks Takeshita down with the mic and says he will see him at Double or Nothing and leaves right through the crowd again.

Play His Music

We go back to the Young Bucks who say they know Darby Allin is watching tonight, but he’s still banned from the arena. Swerve Strickland is seen sitting at their seat, as they play buddy-buddy with him and ask if he’s seen Darby. Swerve rips up the paper and says he hasn’t seen him before the Bucks ask to play Swerve’s music for his match which is up next (it was already playing).

Swerve Strickland vs. Nick Wayne

Swerve Strickland’s eye is bandaged up from being split open last week. Nick Wayne starts the match by running in and out of the ring from Swerve, but he eventually catches him on the outside as they start brawling. Swerve says he will be Wayne’s father and starts whipping him with his belt which gets a brief ‘Whoop that Trick’ chant. They end up back inside, before Wayne knocks Swerve off the apron with a dropkick followed by a PK off the apron and tries a moonsault, gets caught by Swerve, but Wayne comes right back with a DDT on the outside as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we return, Wayne sends Swerve to the outside, but Swerve jumps back on the apron where he hits a back suplex to Wayne on it. Swerve follows this with a Swerve Stomp off the apron. Swerve tries the Swerve Stomp back inside, but Wayne gets his boot up and goes for a couple of pin attempts, including a Code Red for a two. Swerve comes back with a backbreaker and a power slam before apologizing to Wayne as he hits the House Call for the pin and the win.

Winner: Swerve Strickland by pinfall at 8:55

As soon as the match ends, Killswitch shows up and attacks Swerve from behind. Christian Cage & Shayna Wayne make their way down and check on Nick Wayne as Swerve takes out Killswitch and starts chasing Cage to the back, not before hitting a House Call on Killswitch.

Swerve, If You Try To Drive

We head to the back, where Cage runs out of the parking lot, jacks someone’s truck, and starts to drive away, just to be stopped by Prince Nana in another truck. Swerve catches up drags Christian out of the car and starts attacking him. Swerve & Christian end up on top of the truck, as Swerve hits a DDT. Nana hands Swerve a steel chair, but Christian escapes before Swerve can hit him with it.

Malakai Black vs. Kyle O’Reilly

They start going after each other fast with Kyle O’Reilly landing strikes and kicks before Malakai Black is able to take him out with a sweep. Malakai sends O’Reilly to the outside as we head to picture-in-picture.

We return as O’Reilly lands more knees, strikes, and kicks, before taking Malakai down by the arm. O’Reilly follows with a rolling elbow strike for a two. They start trading forearms, punches and more kicks before O’Reilly takes Malakai down and tries to put on a cross armbreaker, but Malakai is able to block it. O’Reilly transitions into an ankle lock, but Malakai breaks out of it and hits a brainbuster for two. They start trading more kicks before Malakai lands The End for the pin and the win.

Winner: Malakai Black by pinfall at 10:17

Malakai Red

As Malakai is in the ring, red lights start to flicker before a LOT of red ‘blood’ falls on top of Malakai as he spills over. We cut to Adam Copeland on the tron who says to Malakai to be careful what you wish for and that he’ll see him on Sunday.

Toni Storm & Mariah May (w/ Luther) vs. The Outcasts (Saraya & Harley Cameron) (w/ Zak Knight)

Mariah May & Harley Cameron start the match, as Taz on commentary seems really pissed off that all that ‘red blood’ got on him in the last segment. May sends Cameron down with a dropkick, before hitting a spinning sidewalk slam. Saraya tags in and wants Toni Storm, who tags in as well. They start trading forearms before Storm takes Saraya down with a Thesz Press, and tags May back in, but not before slamming May on Saraya for one count. Storm tags back in and slams May again, after May tried to slam Storm first. Saraya distracts the referee as Cameron attacks May. Saraya does jumping jacks as we go to picture-in-picture.

When we return, Storm & May are in control as they announce on next week’s Dynamite we will get a Forbidden Door Casino Gauntlet where the winner will challenge for the AEW World Championship at Forbidden Door. Storm hits Cameron with a Sky High, but Saraya is there to break up the pin attempt. All four women go at it, as May & Storm put The Outcasts on the top rope, but they come right back with Sunset Powerbombs as Cameron almost gets the three on Storm. May & Storm both plant kisses before Storm hits two back-to-back Storm Zeros on Saraya & Cameron, before pinning Cameron for the pin and the win.

Winners: Toni Storm & Mariah May by pinfall at 9:11

What A Heel

Storm teases stripping down again behind the Deeb’s Dojo flag, but Serena Deeb runs out with a chair and takes them all out, as the crowd boos her. Deeb has a shoe and takes out Storm with the heel of it. Deeb traps Storm under a chair before putting on a Half Crab before officials run in and try to break it apart.

We go to the back as the Bang Bang Gang asks if the Death Triangle wants their gold. The Gunns say if they want a title shot, they have to earn it and challenge the Lucha Bros. to a tag match this Saturday on Collision. They then announce the match anyway for Double or Nothing. Excalibur covers for it saying it’s non-title for now.

Bryan Danielson vs. Satnam Singh (w/ Sonjay Dutt, Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal)

This is Bryan Danielson’s birthday present as he corners Satnam Singh and tries to punch away, but Satnam takes him right down with a giant boot. Satnam follows with a suplex, before going after Danielson on the outside and sends him right into the steel steps. Sonjay goes to clear the commentary table, but the entire thing just collapses. Danielson calls an audible and attacks Satnam, by placing him on a chair and going after him, but Satnam catches him and chokeslams him on the apron. Satnam pulls the turnbuckle pad off, but Bryce Remsburg stops him from sending Danielson in it. Danielson hits a low blow followed by a Busaiku Knee. He tries another one, but Satnam grabs him and stops him. Danielson follows with kicks before Satnam stops him with a giant chop. Danielson is able to climb on top of Satnam, and takes him down with the hammer and elbows, before putting on the LeBell Lock. Before Satnam can tap out, Jeff Jarrett and crew run in and attack Danielson causing the disqualification. 

Winner: Bryan Danielson by disqualification at 5:01

Jarrett misses the guitar shot, as Danielson takes them all out with Busaiku Knees. Danielson goes to grab the guitar and hit Lethal with it, but Satnam blocks it with his fist. They keep attacking Bryan, as the Young Bucks make their way down to the ring with an envelope that they hand to Jarrett and crew. The Bucks go to hit the EVP Trigger, but Danielson is able to dodge it as the Bucks go crashing into each other. Danielson keeps kicking away at them as Kazuchika Okada makes his way down to the ring. With Danielson’s back turned, Jack Perry runs out and attacks him from behind. Okada enters and takes out Danielson with the Rain Maker before they start dragging him up the ramp. They are about to put him through a table, as we see Tony Khan pulling up to the arena and dropping Darby Allin off. Allin runs out with a flamethrower as Danielson sends Nicholas Jackson right through a table.


This show was all over the place. The first hour felt very flat, and the awkward in-ring segment by Jay White where half of it was him trying to figure out how to pronounce PAC was rightfully book-ended by someone from the crowd shouting ‘Who wrote this shit?’

A lot of this show felt jumbled and all over the place and did not have the cohesiveness you’d expect for a go-home show. Luckily it picked back up in the second hour with three strong matches, but I’ll be honest and say that I was pretty disappointed in the main event. Not that I expected a masterpiece, but I expected Danielson to work his magic and make it fun when it just felt flat. Running theme for tonight’s episode. Not sure if the commentary table breaking screwed up whatever flow they had or if they were rushed for time, but ending with Tony Khan playing the role of Sue Beretta and dropping off Darby Allin (I guess he needs a new dad) plus the flamethrower was so over-the-top I couldn’t help but laugh. That plus the extremely red blood bath made me wonder if I was watching Dynamite or playing Saints Row. Wacky, flat, and over-the-top is not how I wanted a show going into what’s supposed to be one of the biggest shows of the year. Hopefully, Collision can do better.

About John Siino 383 Articles
New York native and reporter at POST Wrestling. He is also Associate Producer at POISONRANA, co-host of 'Collision Course' and the host of the 'Shot in the Dark' podcast.