POST SCHEDULE: Pollock & Ting TALK, Daniel Makabe on L&WRR, UFC 302, X-Men (2000)

Photos Courtesy: Scenic City Invitational, UFC, 20th Century Fox

*Rewind-A-Raw with John Pollock & Wai Ting

*upNXT with Davie Portman & Braden Herrington

*Pollock & Thurston (3 p.m. ET)                                                                                                                                                                                        
*Rewind-A-Dynamite with John Pollock & Wai Ting

*Pollock & Ting: TALK

*Rewind-A-SmackDown with John Pollock & Wai Ting (POST Wrestling Café)
*MCU L8R: X-Men 1 (2000) with Rich Fann & WH Park

*Collision Course with Kate from Montreal & Bruce Lord (POST Wrestling Café)
*The Long & Winding Royal Road with WH Park & Daniel Makabe (Furnas & Kroffat vs. Kobashi & Kikuchi, 5/25/1992)

*UFC 302 with John Pollock & Eric Marcotte (11 a.m. ET)

(Bold = Café Exclusive)


This Friday, Daniel Makabe joins WH Park on The Long & Winding Royal Road for a review of a classic AJPW match from 1992. The man on Bryan Danielson’s “wish list” will speak with WH about the May 25, 1992, match involving Doug Furnas & Dan Kroffat against Kenta Kobashi & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi from Sendai.

John Pollock & Wai Ting will have their quarterly edition of TALK this Thursday with the two going over the latest regarding the site and business, other topics that don’t typically get brought up with other shows, and an overall “catch up” between the two.

Rich Fann & WH Park travel to 2000 this Friday on MCU L8R to begin their backlog of X-Men reviews beginning with the 2000 film directed by Bryan Singer starring Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, and Halle Berry.

Plus: Rewind-A-SmackDown with John & Wai, Collision Course with Kate from Montreal & John Siino, and multiple audio updates from John Pollock for Double Double & Espresso members.                                                                                                             

At $6 per month, your POST Wrestling Café membership unlocks every bonus show this week, access to the archive from 2017, and Café exclusives every week. Most of all, your support helps to keep POST Wrestling running.

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