TNA iMPACT notes: Riley Osborne & Jason Hotch qualify for Ultimate X, The Hardys vs. The System, Charlie Dempsey

Jason Hotch and Chase University’s Riley Osborne qualified for the X Division Championship Ultimate X match at TNA Emergence on 8/30. Hotch won a three-way that included Ace Austin and Rich Swann while Osborne won a three-way that included Chris Bey and John Skyler. Hotch and Osborne joined the Ultimate X field that consists of Zachary Wentz and the champion ‘Speedball’ Mike Bailey.

Scheduled for the 8/22 show are the following bouts: 

  • Moose & J.D.C. (Johnny Dango Curtis) vs. The Hardys (Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy)
  • Charlie Dempsey vs. Jonathan Gresham
About Andrew Thompson 9211 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.