NEWS Oney Lorcan working as full-time coach at WWE Performance Center October 7, 2022 John Pollock Christopher Girard a.k.a. Oney Lorcan is working as a full-time coach at the WWE Performance Center.
NEWS POLLOCK’S NEWS UPDATE: Coverage of Inoki’s passing, Rampage on TSN, Daniel Cormier October 3, 2022 John Pollock More on the life and legacy of Antonio Inoki, Daniel Cormier at Extreme Rules, Toronto Rampage airing on TSN, Tales from the Territories, Raw Homecoming 2005 & more.
NEWS Biff Busick: “I’ve decided to take some time away from performing in the ring” July 22, 2022 Andrew Thompson Biff Busick is opting to take some time away from active in-ring competition
NEWS POLLOCK’S NEWS UPDATE: WWE’s stadium strategy, per report April 27, 2022 John Pollock WWE expected to expand stadium events, Toro Bill Jr. passes away, update on Jimmy Uso case, Formula One ratings growth, Dynamite in Philly.
NEWS Minoru Suzuki vs. Biff Busick announced for Mark Hitchcock Memorial SuperShow February 17, 2022 John Pollock Minoru Suzuki is set to wrestle Biff Busick in Dallas during WrestleMania week at the Mark Hitchcock Memorial SuperShow.
NEWS Biff Busick recounts being temporarily banned from WWE for not filling out paperwork February 1, 2022 Andrew Thompson Biff Busick, the former ‘Oney Lorcan’ recounts the time when Mark Carrano informed him that he was banned from WWE
NEWS POLLOCK’S NEWS UPDATE: The Wrestling WRLD reacts to GCW January 24, 2022 John Pollock John Pollock looks at GCW’s big card from the Hammerstein Ballroom, WWE Raw preview, historical Royal Rumbles on this date in history & more.
NEWS Biff Busick (Oney Lorcan) explains why he has a 90-day no-compete clause opposed to 30 days November 7, 2021 Andrew Thompson Biff Busick, the former ‘Oney Lorcan’ explains why he has a 90-day no-compete despite being an NXT talent