NEWS STARDOM President Taro Okada says AEW wanted to do TBS Title match immediately instead of after ‘Flashing Champions’ show May 14, 2024 Andrew Thompson Initially, Taro Okada suggested that the match take place after the Flashing Champions pay-per-view but AEW wanted it to happen ASAP.
NEWS Willow Nightingale to defend TBS Championship at Stardom Flashing Champions May 11, 2024 John Pollock The TBS Championship will be defended in Japan next weekend.
NEWS Stardom Flashing Champions: Syuri vs. Risa Sera, Saya Kamitani vs. MIRAI, KAIRI returns May 28, 2022 Karen Peterson Karen Peterson’s coverage of Stardom’s Flashing Champions event feat. Syuri vs. Risa Sera, Saya Kamitani vs. MIRAI, and KAIRI returns.
NEWS KAIRI added to Stardom’s ‘Flashing Champions’ event on 5/28 in Tokyo May 13, 2022 John Pollock KAIRI is set to return at the end of the month with Stardom announcing a tag match for its ‘Flashing Champions’ event.