If any of the quotes from the following podcasts or video interviews are used, please credit those sources and provide an H/T and link back to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.
** The latest guest on the ‘Gettin Better with Ron Funches’ podcast was Sami Zayn. He shared the details of a recent interaction he had with a WWE writer. Zayn admitted that he blew up at said writer because he was already having a bad day. He added that he instantly apologized to the writer for speaking to him in the manner that he did.
Not to pull the curtain back too far here but, literally last week at WWE television on SmackDown, I was having a real bad week. I was really frustrated about a lot of little things and they were just adding up and I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier throughout the day and I was really working on reining it in, and then finally, a guy who I was — one of the writers was helping me with something, came in and he gave me something and it was like the straw that broke the camel’s back and I kinda lost it on him a little bit and as I was losing it on him, I was apologizing because I was saying, ‘This is not directed at you. This is misdirected anger. I’m sorry, I can’t deal with this right now. It’s too much. I just can’t put up with this right now’ and I kinda talked down to him, but I immediately apologized but I still felt like, ‘Ah, it caught me a little bit’ because as I did it, I knew I’m talking this way to this guy because I know I can get away with talking this way to this guy, right? I couldn’t talk to Vince McMahon the way I just talked to this guy and my whole thing is I don’t ever wanna talk one way to somebody that I wouldn’t wanna talk to somebody else. That is again, sort of this principle thing that I have for myself. Just because you can abuse someone or treat someone worse because they’re lower on this made-up totem pole, doesn’t mean you should, right? If that’s something you believe. It’s something I believe and I think we all believe that on a philosophical level or on a conceptual level, yeah, we can all agree on that but in practice and in reality, you see it every day.
Zayn has spoken publicly concerning his feelings about Donald Trump. He opened up about WWE’s ties to Trump and his administration while Trump was President of the United States. Sami says he wishes he could separate himself from all things he deems “garbage” but explained why he can’t.
And that is a thing… look, there’s no — I would love to divest completely from every industry and every person that I thought was garbage, but then you can’t do it. We’re too enmeshed in this society and we’re too, as I said earlier, interdependent on one another that invariably, whether you like it or not, as long as you’re a part of this society, you have to recognize that your money is coming from somewhere that probably has a little dirt on it and it’s going to somewhere that by the time it’s done, it’s gonna have a little blood on it, you know what I mean? That is just the nature of working and living in a Western society or a civilized society or whatever. Anywhere in the world where you’re exchanging a currency at this point, and I’ve learned — it’s been very hard for me and I try to do my best, I really do.
He then talked about the advice that he gives to talents who are new to the WWE system. Sami believes it’s a thing of how good can you be while working with handcuffs on. He feels it is an artform to do that.
So this is something I’ve been saying to some wrestlers who struggle sometimes the way I kind of did when they get to WWE: I told them you almost have to look at WWE for example, or like big time show business type stuff, movies. Maybe it’s all the same. I think it is but whatever. I don’t know for sure. It’s almost two separate art forms. It’s like if you’re a painter and I give you a blank canvas and all the colors you could ever want and I go, ‘Paint me a masterpiece.’ Alright, if we hire ten great artists, you’ll probably get ten great paintings. But working with WWE and working within all these constraints and working within a very specific framework, it’s almost like being a great painter and being handed a coloring book with three or four different colors and say, ‘Okay, here you go. Make sure to color within the lines but what you do with it is up to you,’ and anybody — I’m not saying anybody but any great painter could paint a great piece on a blank canvas. But how good can you make this coloring book look. It’s like a totally different — it’s almost a different art form. It’s how good could you work with handcuffs on? How good could you work within this really, really tight box when we gotta check five or six different goals in three or four minutes and still make it good, you know what I’m saying? It almost became a totally different art form that I don’t think everybody can do. You can be a great wrestler and still not be a great WWE wrestler because it’s almost a different — it’s almost a different ballpark all together.
** Kyoko Kimura, mother to Hana Kimura launched an anti-bullying non-profit organization named ‘Remember Hana’. Nippon.com noted that a man has been charged over online abuse directed at Kimura. He is being charged with making public insults but is not required to go to trail under the indictment. Local media said a Tokyo court issued an order to fine him 9,000 yen ($80).
** This past February, it was announced that Nick Comoroto was joining the Nightmare Family which is connected to All Elite Wrestling through Cody Rhodes and QT Marshall. Comoroto recently appeared on the MCW Cast and clarified that he’s not 100 percent signed to AEW.
Not totally [signed with AEW]. I still don’t have the ‘is All Elite’. I’m currently a part of the Nightmare Family and just like, you know, I’m constantly getting invited back down.
Back in January, Nick had a singles match against Jon Moxley on Dynamite. He believes that is the match that got him into the Nightmare Family.
It was the [Jon] Moxley match. As of late, I’ve just been wrestling on AEW Dark and just, my first match was actually with Darby Allin and that got a lot of buzz. But, it’s AEW Dark and I’m constantly on AEW Dark and getting good reviews, but the thing is, it’s a YouTube show. I get a lot of people asking for me but AEW Dynamite has a lot of viewers as well that don’t watch AEW Dark so, my first appearance on there was a match with Moxley and it was right at the turn of the hour and I just appeared out of nowhere and everybody’s going like, ‘Who is this guy?’ And luckily I look like what I do and just that’s… yeah, it blew up.
Nick looked back at his WWE tryout in 2015. It was years later in 2019 that he was signed to the company before being released as a part of the mass cuts/furloughs last April but in 2015, he was told by the company that they planned on signing him but just not at that moment. It was said to Nick that he looked like a lot of people currently in WWE in 2015.
Nobody knows who I am, so I spent that entire Summer making sure I did everything crystal clear, perfect. I was in better shape than everybody and just like, I remember that entire Summer just beating myself up crazier than ever and then I go to that tryout, and I felt like I did. I blew everybody up but like, they were telling us to hype everybody else so I’m doing my drills and then just running circles around everybody. The episode was actually on this Proving Grounds show they had. They edited around me because like, William Regal’s like flipping out at people going, ‘How hard is it to bloody step forward?’ Blah, blah, blah, ‘Good job Nick!’ And then he’s still flipping out and then they edited it out [Regal complementing Comoroto], and then everybody’s coming up to me. The very first day, I’m still — I never have really high confidence in myself because I was always put down and just, I’m not very high on myself so like, I go to shake [Canyon Ceman’s hand]. He’s like a very big official and then I’m sort of looking at the floor. So he immediately stops, he goes, ‘Nick.’ Like holy crap, he knows my name. ‘Nick, look at me. Look at me now. That’s gonna be very big when you’re here. Listen, you’re an f’ing stud, start acting like it.’
Hopefully that doesn’t come back to bite me [mentioning Canyon Ceman’s name] but like, everybody’s congratulating me afterwards and all that and then at the end of the whole tryout thing, they’re secretly sneaking people into the trainer’s room to do stretching and all that, then we go into the [unable to make out word], there’s four of us going and Patrick [Velveteen Dream] is the one going, ‘We were just in that stretching thing’ and then yeah, it turns out the other guys weren’t in it so they’re like, ‘Wait, what are you talking about?’ So, I then get an email a little bit later going like, ‘We’re planning on signing you, just not now.’ I was getting the whole thing like, ‘You look like a lot of people we have,’ but apparently I did everything so well that they wanna have me and just the amount of work I put into it and just to see it happened. It took a while for them to finally bring me in but the fact that I got that was probably one of my happiest accomplishments.
** Paul Wight sat down with Lucha Libre Online to further discuss his arrival in All Elite Wrestling and departure from WWE. Wight feels that it will be smooth when he transitions to building a story for his AEW in-ring debut because of the freedom that talents have in the company.
That kind of environment when you’re that relaxed, to not having to keep all of these things clocked in your mind of you can’t call a championship this, you can’t say this, you can’t say that. All those things that are put in place to sometimes confuse a talent or hinder a talent from expressing themselves and I think that’s the one clear difference now is I feel like wow, when it comes time for me to put on my boots and step in the ring and really grab that microphone and get into a confrontation with an opponent, I think I’m gonna be able to surprise a lot of people. They go, ‘Oh! I didn’t know Big Show was that funny. How about that? He’s pretty sharp. He’s not just a big hat rack.’ So, we’ll see. Either that or I’ll get booed out of the building, one of the two. If I get booed, I’ll just turn. I’m good at that so it’s fine.
** Ring of Honor C.O.O. Joe Koff joined the ROHStrong podcast for an extensive chat with host Kevin Eck. The idea of a Ring of Honor Hall Of Fame was brought up and Koff said it’s not a new idea as it has been discussed by the powers that be in Ring of Honor.
Absolutely. We talk about it. It’s not a new thought. It’s a matter of how, who, when. But most importantly, why? And I think we’re getting that part answered. I like the thought of 20. 20’s a good number. Maybe that’s a place to begin. I definitely think we should have that and be proud of that. I would tell you that I would have to defer to other people other than myself because I’m only familiar with the talent that I’ve worked with. Like I said, I was not a regular Ring of Honor watcher because I was not that technically savvy and I don’t ever remember seeing it on HDTV. I’m not even sure I got HDTV so, there are wrestlers that were in Ring of Honor at the time that I know had some historical perspective but I never really saw their work until I saw it in the archive material. So, I think one of the important things in that Hall Of Fame is who we bring in as our first nominating group. Not only the people who are nominated but those who are nominating. I think that’s equally as important as to who gets nominated. So, we’ll take care with that but like everything we do, we put a lot of thought behind it and however it will be presented when it will be presented, it’ll be fabulous.
Koff credited WWE for spotlighting former ROH World Champion Daniel Bryan. He feels the company made a choice to give Bryan that WrestleMania 30 moment because it was the right thing to do and added that he respects WWE for what they do in the industry.
They had a choice Kevin [Eck]. Let’s not lose sight of that. They were able to give that to the fans and give that moment for him [Daniel Bryan’s WrestleMania moment] and he’s a fantastic performer and just a historical Ring of Honor talent. But, they were able to do it because they can do it and it was the right thing to do and you know, with three shows touring and all of the stuff they do, they have a little bit more latitude to isolate a star like that, give them a moment that they deserve. Believe me, that they deserve and showcase that. As a business and as a leader in the industry, I have only respect for them. I really do. Anyone that can do what they do and this goes for other promotions that are promoting weekly and stuff like that and on TV weekly doing weekly television that’s live every week. It’s hard work and let’s give them their due.
With the losses and additions to Ring of Honor’s roster over the years, Koff feels that the company is the best it has ever been talent-wise.
The reason why I think Ring of Honor right now is probably what you were saying and again, I can go back six — I look at old posters because they come up on memories for me. If I look at the talent that we’ve had working for us, even in the time that Sinclair [Broadcast Group] has owned, it blows me away that they’ve been part of our world and we have impacted them because whenever they go, wherever they go, they take Ring of Honor with them. So they’re almost like our legacy out there doing what Ring of Honor is all about. They’re doing it in the confines of how they work and where they work but when you see their pure work, you’re working Ring of Honor and I see it in all of them and it makes me smile and it makes me proud, it makes me thankful they were part of the promotion for when they were, but I do know this: In ten years since we’ve owned the company, I’ve seen huge names leave this company, huge names and God bless ‘em. They’ve gone on to great things which they deserve. I think Ring of Honor, right now is as strong as it’s ever been.
** FOX Sports’ Ryan Satin welcomed Edge onto his ‘Out Of Character’ podcast. Edge spoke about the story within the story between himself, Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns and that inner story being Edge and Bryan returning from their career-ending injuries and Roman coming back from Leukemia.
It’s almost hard to try and tell the story of heroes and villains in a way, because you got these three guys who had some pretty big lumps thrown their way. If you had said four years ago that there was the possibility that the three of us could be main eventing WrestleMania, I think most people would say you’re crazy. It’s weird because this is one of those instances where it’s more than Roman Reigns, Daniel Bryan and Edge. That kinda goes more to Joe, Bryan and Adam, and just how crazy it all is. And I guess speaks to how stubborn the three of us are!
** During a recent installment of Tama Tonga’s ‘Tama’s Island’ podcast, he spoke about the earthquake that occurred during the March 20th NJPW event in Sendai, Japan. Tama credited the wrestlers who were competing for how they handled themselves in that situation.
This earthquake reminded everybody. Everybody thought it was that [2011 Fukushima earthquake and tsunami]. Talking to all the boys here, it was that scary. Now, I’m in Tokyo, I didn’t feel that much but I have been feeling a lot these last couple days. But that big one scared the sh*t out of everybody and it was like flashbacks. Now I was in that one in 2011 here at the dojo when it shook and I thought it was like the end of days here. But, it’s been ten years since that and I’ll tell you what, earthquakes, when that sh*t happens on a massive scale, you don’t know where to run. Ground right under you shaking, it’s scary man and I can’t believe it’s already been ten years. To see that, that was a scary flashback, a lot of the boys were talking about that and I really love and appreciate how they handled themselves in that match, in the arena. The boys really stepped up and props man. Props to everybody over there. Props.
** IMPACT Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo wrote an article for Yahoo! Sports about her journey in pro wrestling. She discussed the frustration she felt while in NXT and eventually making the move to IMPACT. Deonna shared that Scott D’Amore, Executive Vice President of IMPACT heard that she was difficult to work with before bringing her in but wanted to take her in as he found her.
Which brings me back to that email. I’d been asked to report to a TV taping to lose to a fellow performer who’d already beaten me in quick fashion three times recently. After a year of frustration and doing anything I could to please, I finally stood up for myself by — politely — suggesting an alternative: Couldn’t I lose to someone new? Wouldn’t wrestling someone different make sense all around?
The answer came back, no, you are losing to the same wrestler. No discussion, no “we understand your concern,” no sign that one side of this professional relationship was prepared to listen to the other.
Something changed in me. I thought about it and then I emailed back, with respect, that wasn’t in my own interests and I’d prefer not to be part of that television taping. It was very liberating. I felt like I did when I was wrestling on the independent circuit, ready to take a chance on myself again.
Sure enough, a few days later I was fired. Within minutes my friend Madison Rayne called me and started putting things in motion for me to speak to Scott D’Amore, who runs IMPACT. Scott had heard reports that I was “difficult” but said he liked to treat people as he found them. Then he asked me something I’d be dying to hear for a very long time: He asked who I was and how I presented that on television.
** Prior to The Hurt Business’ split on the 3/29 episode of Raw, WWE Champion Bobby Lashley recorded an interview with the Battleground Podcast. He named Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, Lio Rush and Naomi as names he’d like to see potentially join The Hurt Business.
There’s a lot of people. There’s a lot of people that I look at and I think, ‘Hmm, could it be a possibility?’ But, if I start throwing names out and then speculations are going and like, ‘Oh –’ you know, Swerve’s been looking a little bit rough lately. He’s got that rough style. Isaiah Swerve down there in NXT and then, there’s a lot of different people. I mean before, we were trying to pull Apollo [Crews] over but Apollo found his niche over there in SmackDown which I love also. In NXT, not sure. Females, there’s a few women that we would love to be able to talk to if that were the case. I can’t really say any names but I think Naomi looks pretty prime, ready to go beat some people up but you know, you can’t speculate or you can’t throw some stuff out because I don’t know where we’re going. There’s only that fantasy booking. With the fantasy booking, there’s a few people that I would like to see. So, I don’t even know where Lio [Rush] is at. I like Lio, I’ve always loved Lio. We can always bring him back.
** Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling is launching an all-English show titled ‘That’s J-PW’ starting April 12th. Each show will feature one empty arena match that will be 15 minutes. Commentary will be done by Chris Brookes and Baliyan Akki. The wrestlers will attempt to respond to interviews in English and talents will be announced to the ring in English.
** Epico Colon was a part of a Q&A with Chris Featherstone of Sportskeeda. He shared the pitch that was given to Vince McMahon to set up the trio of Epico, Primo and Carlito prior to Carlito’s 2021 return to the company.
We pitched this idea to bring Carlito back as being good ole’ Carlito. Pitched some vignettes for him where we show him in a yacht in Miami, where it doesn’t show it’s him. You just see girls in the yacht and talking to this one dude with an apple, and then it would be like, ‘Oh, who the hell is that?’ Then you see like me and Primo talking to somebody. You just see his hands, no apple. Then at the same time at Raw and SmackDown, you start seeing people laid out in the back and then the security camera footage would show guys in hoodies just walking out. You don’t even show us beating them, as the damage was already done. So then you start putting two and two together, then we go to the club, meeting with him and we had some cool stuff and Vince [McMahon] was liking it which I thought, ‘Let’s call Carlito’ and then we started that process, it never happened, because I don’t know. Something with money. I don’t think — there was a big miscommunication there so I don’t know what happened.
** Becky Duncan Massey, a Knoxville, Tennessee senator introduced a senate joint resolution to honor Glenn “Kane” Jacobs for his forthcoming induction into the WWE Hall Of Fame.
** Wrestling Travel hosted an interview with Rob Van Dam and he listed off his Mount Rushmore of ECW wrestlers:
We’ll do Taz, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, RVD, Sandman, Raven, New Jack. It’s gotta have room for a few extra guys I think.
** Inside The Ropes released a clip from their stage show with Mick Foley from 2019. In this clip, Foley discussed how he was originally supposed to face Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 17 instead of Shane McMahon. Foley ended up being the official for the match and he didn’t wrestle Vince because he wanted to stick to the storyline of him being fired from the company. Foley said him not wrestling Vince did do some damage to their relationship.
I was really a stickler for details. I didn’t like holes in storylines and I thought the idea of coming back and demanding my job back was not realistic. I’m like, ‘It’s his company. He’s allowed to fire me.’ We have 200 people here, right? Maybe one of you would’ve thought a tiny bit less of me if I had exercised my right to come back for that match. It was overthinking, you know? I could’ve easily come back and it would’ve been a big match and it would’ve been a good money match, like a really good money match. What it came down to was that I really at that time took that retirement stipulation seriously and I was hellbent on never wrestling again. If I’d known I was gonna come back another 14 times and make a mockery out of that stipulation, I certainly would’ve cashed in-in 2001 and wrestled Vince [McMahon] and it wouldn’t have necessarily been a great technical match but we would’ve had a heck of storyline. I think it would’ve been a tremendous payoff and more importantly, I wouldn’t have become the boy who cried wolf to Mr. McMahon and I don’t think my relationship — I used to call him Vince, you know? I called him Vince and now I even refer to him as Mr. McMahon. Even when I see him, ‘Hello Mr. McMahon’ so yeah, it did hurt that relationship because, cost me a lot of money and would’ve been a good match to have on a great WrestleMania.
** Tamina was a part of the Detroit Pistons UNICEF Kid Power virtual event and during the Q&A portion, she spoke about Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair’s upcoming match at WrestleMania 37 and the importance of the match.
Man, it has been a long journey, let’s just say. It has been a long journey but, I am so grateful to be a part of this. To be able to see Bianca [Belair] and Sasha [Banks] be able to go and do this main event at WrestleMania and the great thing about it is I come from a family of dreamers and in this sense, it has been such an amazing thing to see this because it almost lets you see in this sense that no matter what, you can do whatever it is that you wanna do in life. You work hard at it and you take those battles and you beat ‘em down and you do whatever it is and you take whatever it takes to get to that spot and that’s exactly what these women have done. In their lives, they have been through so many trials and so many tribulations but nothing has stopped them, nothing has ever been in this sense, for them to break down and just wanna give up. Now this is what I’m so proud of these two [for]. I got a big heart for both of them, so much and I’m very, very proud of this because it’s very hard to get where we [are] today and so with all this journey and everything that we have been through, now it’s a great, great example because they are, they’re about to do it and they’re gonna do it and they’re gonna kill it. So, it’s such a great example to all young kids everywhere. Don’t stop believing in your dreams, keep going, work hard at it and you can actually achieve what it is that you wanna do and be.
** During his recent Table Talk podcast, D-Von Dudley expressed that there would be no Attitude Era without ECW.
We survived and we still made those three letters the biggest three letters in the history of wrestling and — it helped change the face of pro wrestling. No one can ever deny that. Like I always say, there would never have been an Attitude Era if there wasn’t for ECW. I don’t care what anybody says, it’s the truth.
** Boxing and MMA commentator Ray Flores will be a part of the broadcast team for MLW’s Never Say Never show on March 31st.
** Variety caught up with Paul “Triple H” Levesque to discuss NXT’s move to Tuesday nights. Levesque believes their fan base will follow them and now, they can continue to grow by Monday Night Raw being the lead-in for NXT.
We now feel like we’re in a good place where we can move that consistent fanbase over to Tuesdays. We believe they’ll follow us. That way we can grow the brand more given the lead in from ‘Monday Night Raw,’ which we’ve seen in the past.
** Longtime Ring of Honor announcer Bobby Cruise joined Dave LaGreca on Busted Open Radio for an exclusive interview. Cruise spoke about ROH’s restart last Summer and feels that it did the company some good to have that time off. Cruise said their attendance was down prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and during this time since they’ve been back, ROH has been able to reintroduce themselves.
I had a conversation with someone in our office last year and I feel — now obviously, I wanna make sure I say this the right way. COVID has been devastating to people financially, deaths, loss and so forth. I’m strictly speaking for Ring of Honor as a wrestling product. It was almost a blessing that we had to slow down basically for a little bit and what I mean by that is our houses were down a bit. I don’t think that is any secret. There’s no embarrassment in announcing [it]. Things cycle through, they go up and down. Our houses were down. Obviously, AEW had been on TV for months, IMPACT had kind of rebounded and they’re doing some good stuff. WWE is what WWE is and so we weren’t — Ring of Honor wasn’t the cool kids anymore and I’ve seen it go up and down over the years. We’ve been the coolest kid and then we’ve been maybe an afterthought to some wrestling fans and we were kind of getting into that spot again I think where things had cooled down and so, for the company itself, especially since they’ve taken such great care of the talent during that time. To me, I hate to use the word ‘blessing’. That is not the right word but it may have done some good that we kind of had to — couldn’t run events, couldn’t run in front of live crowds and had to kind of settle down a little bit, kind of hit the reset button and then when we got into late last Summer and doing the Pure tournament, I mean, what a return for Ring of Honor and back to our regular, original weekly TV show and since then, I think we’ve — I honestly think our TV show has been tremendous now since we’ve returned and I don’t just B.S. and say that. I mean it really, really is solid stuff.
Cruise stated that throughout the years, there have been a number of times when former WWE talents see him at independent shows and ask how can they get into ROH.
I’m really not surprised that you don’t hear anything negative because I don’t know what could be said negative, you know? It really is a place that — I’ve had wrestlers who used to be in WWE that were never with Ring of Honor, but I’ll run into them at maybe one indie show I’ll announce or something and they’ll say, ‘Hey, how do I get a look in Ring of Honor?’ So, it’s been so long now that it’s been 19 years and it’s been such a stable company whether Cary [Silkin] owned it or now it’s Sinclair Broadcast Group owning it. As far as stable, as far as what we put out in the ring as far as in-ring product, that has never changed and I don’t think it ever will.
** Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated spoke with Rhea Ripley to promote her Raw Women’s Title match against Asuka at WrestleMania. Rhea discussed she and Bianca Belair being in the final three of this year’s women’s Royal Rumble with Charlotte Flair and them eliminating Flair who in storyline, caused chaos for them in NXT in 2020.
That tied together our whole story, going back to our NXT match together in Portland. Then Charlotte came in for the WrestleMania match, and she knocked us both down. We never overcame Charlotte, until we both eliminated her in the Royal Rumble. That was a great moment, and then it came down to me and Bianca in the end.
** Here’s a preview of Virtual Basement’s ‘The Wrestling Code’ game:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIeaUGvguoI[/embedyt]
** Calvin Tankman was interviewed by Steel Chair Magazine and was asked what current MLW talents have made him feel at home in the organization and he named ACH along with Injustice (Myron Reed & Jordan Oliver).
Definitely my Injustice guys. Myron (Reed), he’s like a brother to me. We’ve both been around each other since we both stepped into the business basically. We’ve traveled the roads for years. He’s definitely someone that came in and welcomed me. ACH is another one, another guy I look up to. I’d met him previously but coming into MLW during the shows, he’s one of the guys I gravitated to and talk. I’m really the new guy so I’m still feeling everyone out right now, y’know?
** MLW World Heavyweight Champion Jacob Fatu spoke with Wrestling Inc.
** PopCulture.com ran an article from their chat with Stone Cold Steve Austin. PEOPLE.com also caught up with Austin. While making the media rounds, Austin joined Busted Open Radio with Mark Henry and David LaGreca.
** Prior to his Pure Title match at ROH 19th Anniversary, Dak Draper joined the Sports Guys Talking Wrestling show.
** NJPW Road to Sakura Genesis Results (3/30/21) Korakuen Hall
– Tetsuya Naito, SANADA, Shingo Takagi & BUSHI def. Tiger Mask, Yota Tsuji, Yuya Uemura & Gabriel Kidd
– SHO, Ryusuke Taguchi & Master Wato def. El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & DOUKI
– EVIL, KENTA, Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi & Taiji Ishimori def. Kazuchika Okada, Toru Yano, Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI
– Jay White, Gedo & Jado def. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Yuji Nagata & Tomoaki Honma
– Kota Ibushi, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima def. Will Ospreay, Great-O-Khan & Jeff Cobb
** Lance Archer guest appeared on the Rasslin’ with Brandon F. Walker podcast. He feels that had he gone to Japan earlier in his career, it would have changed the entire trajectory of how his wrestling career panned out.
To your point about going to Japan, I always said if I had gone to Japan first, I think my career trajectory would’ve been very different in a very positive way because I think what Japan did for me was teach me how to be that monster.
** Mance Warner is defending the AAW Heavyweight Championship against Manders at AAW’s Alive show on April 3rd.
** Asuka and Xavier Woods played WWE Supercard:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAhZpCDpI9I[/embedyt]
** Gail Kim and Robert Irvine joined Chavo Guerrero’s Suplexes and Cervezas podcast.
** Chris Dickinson versus Shane Mercer has been added to GCW/Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport show on April 8th.
** Nor ‘Phoenix’ Diana, the first female professional wrestler to wear a hijab was a guest on Taylor Wilde’s podcast.
** Bianca Belair did an Instagram Live interview with WWE host Quetzalli Bulnes.
If any of the quotes from the following podcasts or video interviews are used, please credit those sources and provide an H/T and link back to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.