Masashi Takeda is stepping away from wrestling for the foreseeable future.
Masashi Takeda, who regularly performs for Big Japan Pro Wrestling, shared on Twitter that his wife, Yuka, passed away on January 7th. A funeral was held on the 14th of January for close relatives. Takeda is stepping away from wrestling for the foreseeable future and noted that his in-ring performances are sidelined until there is a sense of normalcy in his mind and life again.
He wrote the following caption along with his statement:
I’m sorry for causing trouble and worry to everyone for a long time. I have not been able to accept the reality of the situation, and I apologize for the delay in reporting. I still can’t accept the reality yet. I have a small child, so I will suspend my activities for the time being until my mind and life return to normal.
中々現実を受け止められず報告が遅くなり申し訳ありません。まだまだ現実を受け止められません。小さい子供も居ますので心と生活が戻るまで当分の間活動を休止させて頂きます。関係者ファンの方々には引き続きご迷惑をおかけ致します。 pic.twitter.com/qLjemORUwY— 竹田 誠志 (@crazykid0813) January 30, 2022
Takeda was last in action on January 4th at Big Japan’s event in Tokyo.
POST Wrestling would like to send our condolences to the family, friends and loved ones of Masashi Takeda and his late wife, Yuka.