Taya Valkyrie challenging Kamille for World Women’s Title at NWA 74

NWA World Women's Championship match made official for NWA 74

Kamille’s next challenger determined.

Coming out of the 7/26 NWA Powerrr, the next challenger to Kamille’s NWA World Women’s Title was determined. Taya Valkyrie went one-on-one with KiLynn King in a #1 contender’s match and emerged victorious.

Kamille successfully defended her title in the main event against Chelsea Green and it is now official that she and Valkyrie will meet at NWA 74.

It has not been determined which night the Women’s World Title match is taking place on. Kamille has been reigning as champion since June 2021.

About Andrew Thompson 9195 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.