INTERVIEW: Kerry Morton chats NWA 74, Junior Title match, MLW debut, Ric Flair’s ‘Last Match’ card

Kerry Morton is interviewed by Andrew Thompson and they discuss Kerry's title match at NWA 74, support from his father, his MLW debut & more

Photo Courtesy: SP Media Graphics

Now in his early 20s, Kerry Morton has been involved in the pro wrestling business as an active in-ring performer since 2016. A third-generation talent, Kerry has had the opportunity to team with his father Ricky Morton on a multitude of occasions.

While being able to learn from his father, he is also under the learning tree of his father’s colleagues such as one-half of The Rock ‘N’ Roll Express, Robert Gibson. When I spoke to Kerry, he spoke about the support he receives from Ricky and Robert. He expressed that both are there for him and he feels fortunate to be in the position he’s in.

My father’s been nothing but supportive to me right now. In this career, I only have a limited time to make improvements and make steps in this business and that’s what I’m trying to do time and time again and he’s been nothing but supportive. He’s been trying to help me get my name out there along with uncle Robert [Gibson] and I couldn’t thank him enough… I’m very fortunate to be in this position that I am right now and I’m loving every moment.

As a part of the Ric Flair’s Last Match event, Kerry teamed with Ricky Morton to take on Brian Pillman Jr. and Brock Anderson, who were accompanied to the ring by Arn Anderson.

Kerry looked back on his experience being part of Flair’s ‘Last Match’ card and how much he enjoyed the experience. He recalled chatting with Flair and being told that if there was a pro wrestling draft for young talents, Kerry would be the first talent Flair picked.

What a lineage man. The Four Horsemen and The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express, you know? That any old school wrestling fan or current, modern wrestling fan that’s really into the game should know that The Four Horsemen and The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express made history and we did it once more on Ric Flair’s Last Match. You know, I saw Ric Flair once during the week and he took the time and he talked to me and he said, ‘You know what Kerry? I was a big, big fan working with your dad back in the day’ and he told me, he said, ‘Kerry, if there was a draft in professional wrestling right now, there was a draft pick,’ he said, ‘You know, you would probably be my number one’ and hearing The Nature Boy say something like that is absolutely the most humbling thing in the world. The greatest professional wrestler of all time, I’m gonna say it on here. The Nature Boy Ric Flair has called me his number one draft pick is very, very humbling. He watches me on NWA, National Wrestling Alliance, he watches me in Major League Wrestling and he’s watched me on the independent circuit here time and time again. Really cool and just to see Nature Boy step back into that ring one more time baby, woo! So, what a really, really fun time to see that man. Not only did Ric Flair strut the strut and walk the walk, he did all of that and some more so I’m just — it was super, super great to see him out there walking down the aisle with his robe on and I couldn’t think of a better moment to top off the weekend than watching The Nature Boy do it one more time.

This past February, Kerry and Ricky Morton made their Major League Wrestling debuts when they took on the longest reigning MLW World Tag Team Champions Marshall and Ross Von Erich. Kerry stated that he and his father are coming back to MLW and they’re seeking out the tag titles.

Oh man, Major League Wrestling was such a fun time to be at, especially the Grady Cole Center in Charlotte, North Carolina… Rock ‘n’ Roll and I tore it up. We had a fun, fun time, we tag teamed together. We went against The Von Erichs and those guys are the real deal. Unfortunately, the favor was not in our hands that night, but never say never. We’re coming back to MLW to look at some tag team gold and I promise you, I assure you one thing, Kerry Morton will have some MLW gold in the near future.

Coming up for Kerry is his shot at the World Junior Heavyweight Championship at NWA 74. He’ll be taking on the champion Homicide in singles competition.

Kerry was part of a four-way at the Crockett Cup for the then-vacant World Junior Heavyweight Title which Homicide won. Kerry had the following to say about their upcoming match:

You know, I keep on counting the days leading to August 27th, night one of NWA 74 and truthfully, it means everything to me. Everything that’s revolved around my career so far leads to this moment. Some wrestlers say when you get in that ring, you always give it everything you got. See, Kerry Morton, when he steps in that ring, he’s already gonna give it everything he’s got. You’re gonna expect nothing less because listen, as I was raised in his business, you give the fans what they want and you give them hardworking professional wrestling and that’s what I’m gonna do and so Homicide, I’ll tell you loud and proud right here that I’m coming for that championship and I am going to do everything in my matter to have that championship on my waist at the end of that night.

On night two of NWA 74, there is going to be a Battle Royal for the vacant NWA USA Tag Team Championships. Kerry nor Ricky Morton is scheduled for night two and Kerry stated that he would be interested in going after the titles with his father.

You already know. See, as of right now, night two [of NWA 74], I do not have — I’m not booked. I’m not booked as of night two but I am booked as of night one and I just so happen to know that my father is coming with me and so I don’t know about you guys out there, but the Mortons and USA tag team gold just sounds beautiful. So, I think, I think rightfully if I have that [World Junior Heavyweight] Championship around my waist and I can enter in that [USA Tag Team Title] tournament, I’m gonna do so, everything in my might because we want some championship gold and that’s what we’re going after and we’re gonna get it.

To keep up with all things Kerry Morton, he can be found on Twitter @RealKerryMorton and on Instagram @real_kerry_morton.

Our video interview can be watched via the player at the top of this article or on the Andrew Thompson Interviews YouTube channel.

About Andrew Thompson 8840 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.