Code Orange vocalist & drummer discusses how band got connected with Bray Wyatt

Jami Morgan, vocalist and drummer for Code Orange, speaks about the band's connection to WWE's Bray Wyatt

Photo Courtesy: WWE

Code Orange member chats Bray Wyatt. 

Bray Wyatt’s new theme song titled ‘Shatter’ was created by Code Orange, who also created the theme song for Wyatt’s ‘Fiend’ character. 

The new theme was formally released on digital platforms on December 16th. Code Orange drummer and vocalist, Jami Morgan, spoke to ABC affiliate WTAE-TV and commented on the band’s connection to Wyatt. In regards to the new theme, Wyatt and the band wanted to create something fresh and build from the ground up together. 

He’s [Bray Wyatt] just a fan of heavy music and cool music. He does a lot of his effects stuff with an amazing guy named Jason Baker down here, who works with Tom Savini and does awesome horror movie stuff. We just got connected through music. We originally got connected because I just DM’d him on Twitter a couple years ago, and we made a theme for him at the time that was not a cover but, like, a new version of a different theme he had. This time, we connected on making something totally fresh and building something from the ground up together.

Morgan added that Code Orange is working on material for a new album. Wyatt was featured on the 12/16 edition of SmackDown on FOX.

About Andrew Thompson 8840 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.