GCW Ashes to Ashes Results: Nick Gage vs. Ryuji Ito

Photo Courtesy: GCW

GCW: Ashes to Ashes 
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Showboat Hotel 

GCW Extreme Championship Scramble Match: Broski Jimmy Lloyd vs. Marcus Mathers vs. Alex Zayne vs. Jack Cartwheel vs. GCW Extreme Champion Joey Janela vs. Maki Itoh 

Maki performed a cartwheel, but then pushed her down, bringing her to tears. She retaliated by hitting him with a stomp, but he countered with a superkick, sending her to the floor, only to eat a superkick from everyone else in the match. Mathers and Zayne executed a couple of spots together. He sent Mathers into the corner on top of Cartwheel and hit them with a delayed running senton. Janela followed up by hitting Zayne with a crossbody, followed by a back elbow and running knee, sending him to the floor. Cartwheel returned to the match and unleashed a series of kicks on Janela, followed by a cartwheel powerslam on Zayne, but was caught with a springboard stunner from Mathers for a near fall. Mathers attempted a dive to the floor, but Jimmy Lloyd tripped him up for a close near fall. He then sent Mathers into the corner and hit him with a Broski Boot, but Itoh returned to the ring and hit Jimmy with a DDT, followed by a Boot Scrape of her own. Cartwheel planted Maki in the middle of the ring and attempted a cartwheel Kokeshi, but she moved out of the way and hit him with one of her own. Janela executed a DVD on Mathers on the apron, while Cartwheel performed a Sasuke special on everyone. Not to be outdone, Janela hit a Swanton to the floor and attempted a double stomp on Cartwheel back inside the ring, but he moved out of the way. Zayne then hit Mathers with a top rope rana, sending him into a Canadian Destroyer on Jimmy Lloyd. They were just spamming moves at this point, with Mathers hitting Zayne with a Poisonrana, followed by a big dive to the floor. Janela came off the top rope with a double stomp on Zayne, but Mathers broke it up with a 450. Itoh returned and hit Mathers with a DDT for the victory.

New GCW Extreme Champion Maki Itoh 

GCW Tag Team Championship Match: Violence is Forever (Champions) vs. Xunt

ViF wasted no time jumping the challengers, not even letting Emil Jay finish his introductions. The two teams fought on the floor as ViF’s 11th title defense began. Sawyer retrieved a Nerf gun and shot the tack-tipped Nerf bullets into Dom’s back as Sheik went to the top rope and took out the champions on the floor while Sawyer held them in position. Sheik was wearing a great Spiderman bodysuit tonight. ViF rammed Sawyer and Sheik back-first into each other on the floor, and Dom broke the Nerf gun over his knee while flipping off the crowd. ViF isolated Sheik inside the ring, making quick tags back and forth as they leveled Sheik with chops and kicks. Sheik tried to fight back with some kicks, but Dom made his way back into the ring and stomped away at Sheik in their corner. Sheik made the hot tag to Sawyer, who ran wild on Dom with a series of kicks. She Sabu’d Ku after kicking a chair into Dom’s face. Sheik was cut off by Dom, who hit her with a neckbreaker, but Sawyer came to her partner’s aid and hit Dom with a powerbomb, only for Ku to make the save. Sheik was dumped on the floor. Wreck was hit with a gutbuster followed by a running clothesline, but Sawyer was able to kick out. Sawyer blocked Chasing the Dragon, and Sheik and Sawyer Sabu’d ViF, setting up a door bridge in the center of the ring. ViF returned to the ring and hit Sawyer with Chasing the Dragon through the door for the victory.

Violence is Forever Retained the GCW Tag Team Championships

Six-Man Tag Team Match: Hunter Drake, Mr. Danger, and Terry Yaki vs. Los Macizos and Oni El Bendito

For the second match in a row, Emil Jay wasn’t able to finish his ring introductions as Oni launched himself to the outside, taking out all three of his opponents. He then sent Yaki back into the ring, and they all hit him with moonsaults, but Drake was able to make the save for his team. Ciclope hit the Wassup on Drake, but Mr. Danger broke up the pin attempt with a springboard dive. Yaki followed up with a Poisonrana on Oni, followed by a double cutter from Drake on Los Macizos. Yaki and Drake executed a double moonsault to the floor, while Mr. Danger hit a massive springboard dive onto everyone on the floor. Yaki and Mr. Danger then hit 450s on Los Macizos, but Oni caught Drake, who powerbombed him onto the pin attempt. Los Macizos and Oni set up a double-door bridge on the floor. Yaki executed a springboard Canadian Destroyer on Ciclope but was dumped on the back of his head by Oni, who was hit with a Code Red from Drake, though the pin attempt was broken up. Miedo and Drake fought on the apron, with Miedo winning the battle and hitting Drake with a suplex that sent him crumpling to the floor. Mr. Danger hit dives on everyone in the ring, but Ciclope cut off his offense with a chair shot to the head. Oni wiped everyone out with an inside-out double jump moonsault to the floor. Ciclope set up several chairs with their legs straight up, then brought Mr. Danger to the top rope. Danger fought out of it, but Ciclope muscled him up and dumped him on top of the upturned chairs. Drake cut off Oni on the top rope, but Miedo hit Drake with an Awesome Bomb through the double door bridge on the floor. Yaki was hit with a powerbomb followed by a Shooting Star Press for the victory.

Los Macizos and Oni El Bendito Defeated Hunter Drake, Mr. Danger, and Terry Yaki 

Singles Match: Danhausen vs. Charles Mason with Parrow

Danhausen spiked Parrow in the head with a railroad spike. Mason then jumped on Hausen and beat him down in the corner with punches to the top of his head. Hausen turned the tables and started to stomp away at Mason in the corner, then sent him to the floor and rammed his head into the ring post, busting Mason open. Hausen attempted to stab Mason with the railroad spike, but Mason moved out of the way and countered with a series of punches. Mason followed up with a big boot, followed by a clothesline, but it was only good for a two-count. Danhausen fired up and hit Mason with a Northern Lights suplex, followed by a back elbow step-up knee combo, and then bit Mason’s forehead. Danhausen dumped Mason on the back of his head with a German suplex but wasn’t able to make the cover. He grabbed the jar of teeth, but Mason hit him with a low blow and poured the teeth into Danhausen’s mouth. Danhausen retaliated with a low blow of his own and spat the teeth into Mason’s mouth, followed by a big boot for a two-count. Mason then grabbed a plastic bag and placed it over Danhausen’s head. The ref intervened, pulling Mason off, and Danhausen hit Mason with a headbutt, but Mason slipped out and locked in a sleeper hold. Danhausen was then hit with a loaded jacket, and Mason struck Danhausen with the railroad spike, but Danhausen was able to kick out at one. Finally, Danhausen picked up the victory with a GTS.

Danhausen Defeated Charles Mason  

Deathmatch: John Wayne Murdoch vs. Brandon Kirk 

Murdoch extended his hand, which Brandon accepted. However, Murdoch attempted to throw a boot, but Brandon caught it and stomped on Murdoch’s hand. Brandon quickly went for a near fall on Murdoch but was then sent to the floor. Murdoch draped Brandon across the apron, placed a cut can board on top of him, and hit him with a leg drop. Kirk then struck Murdoch across the back with a steel chair, followed by grabbing a gusset and pounding it into Murdoch’s head, causing him to bleed. Kirk also grabbed a child and ran him into John Wayne Murdoch, prompting the crowd to chant ‘Kid.’ Kirk then went for a Psycho Driver with a knife board, but Murdoch reversed it and hit him with a crossbody onto the knives. Murdoch began to work over Kirk’s forehead and body with the knives. He wrapped a chain around Kirk’s neck and started to choke him before placing a gusset board over Kirk’s chest and hitting it with a steel chair. Murdoch then slammed a gusset into Kirk’s arms. Murdoch was dropped back first onto a barbed wire board on the apron, and both men sent each other flying into a barbed wire door set up in the corner. Kirk was the first to his feet and set up a platform of chairs in the center of the ring, hitting Murdoch with the Psycho Driver for a close near fall. Kirk then set up a door across the second rope in the corner. Murdoch managed to hit Kirk with a brainbuster through the door, but Kirk kicked out at one. Murdoch then delivered a piledriver on the knife board for the victory.

John Wayne Murdoch Defeated Brandon Kirk 

Tag Team Match: GCW World Champion Blake Christian and Shane Mercer vs. Gahbage Daddies

The match began with Cole and Blake trading holds, with Blake maintaining control throughout the early moments of the matchup. The Gahbage Daddies executed some misdirection and managed to take Blake Christian down with a big crossbody. Mercer tagged himself in and was hit with a senton from Price, followed by an attempted swinging DDT, but Mercer caught him and tossed him into Cole Radrick. Blake hit a beautiful Fosbury Flop onto Price, while Cole attempted a swinging DDT again, only to be blocked by Mercer, who then hit him with a tandem move from Blake off the top rope. Mercer lit up Radrick with a series of chops, and then Blake tagged himself in and delivered a delayed vertical suplex to Cole. Christian gloated to the crowd as he started to stomp away at Cole’s face. Cole endured a big powerslam from Mercer but was still able to get his shoulder up at the last second. He managed to get his boot up as Blake charged the corner, hitting Mercer with a boot and attempting to take him out with a dive on the floor, but Mercer caught him and was speared by Christian on the apron. Mercer and Christian ate boots from Price, but Mercer used his strength to escape the offense and locked both the Gahbage Daddies in submissions in the center of the ring. However, Cole flipped Blake into Mercer, breaking up the pin attempt. Cole and Price then hit tandem Swantons on Blake, but he was still able to kick out of the pin attempt at the last second. Mercer then hit Price with a leaping tombstone, followed by a 450 from Blake to win the match.

GCW World Champion Blake Christian and Shane Mercer Defeated Gahbage Daddies 

Sugarcookie the Clussy was in the crowd, shoutout Chris Pepper Stanley 

Atlantic City Strap Match: EFFY vs. Mance Warner

EFFY unloaded on Mance with a series of strikes, followed by the running boot in the corner into the “Under the Rainbow.” The fight spilled to the floor where EFFY sent Mance flying into the third row of chairs and continued his assault with wild rights and lefts. EFFY grabbed a chair from underneath the ring and started to beat away at Mance’s body with it. He then brought a door into the ring and began driving it into Mance Warner’s legs. EFFY set it up in the corner as the two men started to trade open-hand punches in the center of the ring. Mance climbed the turnbuckle and tried to retrieve the leather strap, but EFFY knocked him off balance, crotching him on the top rope, and then hit him with a Burning Hammer through the door in the corner. However, Mance was able to get his shoulder up. EFFY attempted to grab the strap, but Mance hit him across the back with a steel chair followed by the broken door. EFFY was then hung upside down in the corner, and Mance placed the door in front of EFFY’s face and hit the door with a steel chair. Mance Warner was leaking blood as he continued to stalk EFFY inside the ring. EFFY took Mance off the top rope and powerbombed him onto an open chair that didn’t budge, resulting in a brutal landing for Mance. EFFY retrieved the leather strap and started to whip Mance Warner with it. Mance managed to hit EFFY with a low blow and took the strap from him. Mance jabbed EFFY in the head with a piece of the broken door and beat him across the back with the leather strap. EFFY’s back was bright red after the brutal shots from Mance Warner as he was hit with a spinebuster through a door for a close near fall. EFFY then turned the tables on Mance and started to choke him with the leather strap and hit him with a blockbuster. EFFY whipped Mance across the chest with the strap and then hit him with a Muscle Buster across the back onto two open chairs for another near fall. EFFY threw a bunch of chairs into the ring and piled them up in the center. Mance and EFFY went to the top rope where EFFY took them both over with a superplex onto the pile of chairs for another close near fall. EFFY missed a dive, and Mance chokeslammed him onto the pile of chairs, but this time EFFY was able to get his shoulder up. Mance beat EFFY relentlessly with the strap and steel chairs across his back. Mance then went underneath the ring and retrieved a power drill. He knocked the referee out with an elbow and drilled EFFY in the head, getting caught in EFFY’s hair and literally scalping part of his head. Allie Katch, Alec Price, Cole Radrick, and Dark Sheik surrounded the ring and hit Mance with punches followed by a piledriver from Katch. Katch then gave EFFY the leather strap, who beat Mance across the back with it followed by Sack Ryder for the victory.

EFFY Defeated Mance Warner 

Another incredible match from Mance Warner, the 2024 MVP of GCW. 

Deathmatch: Abdullah Kobayashi vs. Matt Tremont

Abdullah wished Tremont a happy birthday as the two men put on party hats, and the crowd sang Happy Birthday to the Bulldozer. They attempted to take each other off their feet with running shoulder tackles, but neither man budged. Tremont then unloaded with repeated headbutts but was eventually hiptossed into a barbed wire pane of glass. After Tremont went to the floor, Kobayashi raked a barbed wire baseball bat across Tremont’s skull, causing him to bleed from the back of his arm due to the pane of glass. Kobayashi then Sabu’d a chair at Tremont’s head and unleashed repeated punches. Tremont retaliated by grabbing a tube and headbutting it into Kobayashi’s head. They continued to carve away at each other’s skulls with the broken pieces of tube and headbutts, trading more fists and headbutts. Tremont dumped a bag of tacks into the center of the ring and slammed Kobayashi onto the pile of tacks, hitting him across the head with repeated trash can lid shots. Kobayashi then pulled a fork out of his boot, but Tremont wrestled it away and stabbed it into Kobayashi’s forehead. Kobayashi countered by pounding a Kenzan into Tremont’s head, but Tremont returned the favor by slamming one into Kobayashi’s head. Kobayashi struggled to pull it out of his head, but once it broke free from his skin, he hit Tremont with a dropkick that sent Tremont crashing through multiple panes of glass and doors on the outside of the ring. Finally, Tremont was hit in the head with multiple tubes followed by a tube fan for the victory.

Abdullah Kobayashi Defeated Matt Tremont 

Deathmatch: Nick Gage vs. Ryuji Ito

The two legends locked up for the first time since 2001, but neither man was able to gain the advantage. Gage grabbed a bundle of tubes, but Ito missed them with a baseball slide. Ito then grabbed the bundle and broke them across the King’s back. Back inside the ring, Ito broke more tubes across Gage’s back and head, leading to a series of near falls. It’s worth noting that Ito isn’t very mobile these days. He placed one of the giant tube towers in the middle of the ring and attempted to suplex Gage through the glass, but Gage reversed it and hit Ito with a brainbuster through the tubes, following it up with a spinebuster in the broken glass. Gage continued his assault, hitting Ito with a DDT and setting him up in the corner with a bundle of tubes, then coming across his stomach with a reverse back elbow. Gage set up a glass bridge in the center of the ring and took Ito off the top with a big fallaway slam through the glass. Dewey Donnovan gave Gage the pizza cutter, and he began to slice open Ito’s forehead. Gage set up another pane of glass and put Ito underneath it, but Ito managed to escape and hit Gage with a top rope rana through the pane of glass. Ito then struck Gage over the head with the other giant tube tower, but somehow Gage was able to kick out at the last second. Ito placed a bundle across Gage’s chest, went to the top rope, and hit Gage with a tube-assisted Frog Splash that Gage again managed to kick out of. Ito grabbed another bundle of tubes and waited for Gage to get back up. Gage grabbed a bundle as well, and they collided in the center of the ring, going into a bloody forearm exchange. Ito dropped Gage and attempted to set up another pane of glass, but Gage fought him off and took him off the top rope through the glass with a second rope piledriver for the victory.

Nick Gage Defeated Ryuji Ito

About Jon Pine 158 Articles
Living in Providence, Rhode Island; when Jon isn’t watching AEW or GCW with his dogs Dakota and Aurora, he’s probably watching the CSPAN feed of the Senate floor or listening to Bennington on SiriusXM.