New York Post publishes “love letter” from Janel Grant to Vince McMahon, rep states Grant was coerced

Photo Courtesy: WWE

The New York Post has released a letter from Janel Grant to Vince McMahon from December 2021.

A “love letter” was sent by Grant to McMahon on Christmas Eve 2021 where she professed her love for McMahon and their relationship together.

Grant’s attorney Ann Callis stated in the article that this was an example of McMahon’s coercive demands of Grant and was written on his orders:

Frankly it’s pretty disgusting that Vince’s weeks-late attempt to defend his horrendous behavior – behavior he claims to this day never happened – is to try to showcase letters that Vince himself coerced her to write.

His psychological torture of her continues–as is typical of abusive predators who respond to women speaking out with increased threats. While Janel isn’t a stranger to his intimidation tactics, this is a new low even for him.

The article revealed that McMahon is being represented by lawyer Jessica Taub Rosenberg of Kasowitz Benson Torres, which is the law firm that recently represented MLW in its lawsuit against WWE which was settled for $20 million.

Rosenberg responded to the accusation of McMahon coercing Grant to write the letter:

This is revisionist history. No one coerced Ms. Grant to write that letter. She wrote it of her own accord. The fact that the letter shows it was the 24th draft speaks volumes.

Nowhere in her voluminous complaint, that is replete with fabrications, does she mention being coerced into such behavior. The language of the letter is consistent with other communications she made to Mr. McMahon over the course of their consensual relationship.

A representative for Grant spoke with the New York Post and added context that Grant had surgery on her pointer finger on December 21 and revealed a text exchange with McMahon, which included Grant’s concern, “How will I write your letter?” I can type and read it…or try to write in a couple days. I’m so sorry if I mess this up, I want you to have a nice letter.”

The rep also stated that Grant would lean on existing material in the media to pad her letters of affection for McMahon with examples of text being lifted from a GQ interview involving Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly, and the 1947 film “The Bishop’s Wife.”

The NY Post also noted that the letter was obtained from Grant’s laptop as part of WWE’s investigation:

Grant’s rambling, 2,200-word email was taken from Grant’s laptop as part of an investigation on behalf of WWE’s board by white-shoe law firm Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett, and is expected to appear in court filings as the case progresses, according to sources close to the situation.

The letter also contains references to other members of McMahon’s circle who were aware of the relationship:

Whether it’s your assistants, a chef, Brad, Nick, Johnny or whoever sees us together, I think it’s undeniable to them – or anyone who sees us – that we are in love with a capital L.

The NY Post story stated that their sources believe the references were to Brad Blum, Nick Khan, and John Laurinaitis.

Grant filed a 67-page suit against McMahon, Laurinaitis, and WWE this past January where she stated she was a victim of physical and emotional abuse, sexual assault, and trafficking while working at WWE from June 2019 until March 2022.

About John Pollock 5668 Articles
Born on a Friday, John Pollock is a reporter, editor & podcaster at POST Wrestling. He runs and owns POST Wrestling alongside Wai Ting.