Kelly Kelly thinks she got concussed from taking Singapore cane shot from The Sandman

Photo Courtesy: WWE

Afterwards, Kelly was given advice which was not to let her colleagues see her crying. 

At the start of Kelly Kelly’s main roster run in WWE, she was placed on the company’s version of ECW. There was a point when she was paired with Mike Knox on television. 

Kelly remembers a spot when Knox pulled her in front of him so she could take a Singapore cane shot from The Sandman. She thinks she got a concussion from it. 

She recalled Vince McMahon and Tommy Dreamer checking on her. Dreamer told her to not let any of her colleagues see her crying. She collected herself before they saw her. Kelly recounted this story while speaking to Chris Van Vliet.

You know what’s wild? Is we rehearsed it backstage and he made it seem like it was nothing (Sandman’s Singapore cane shot). He was like, ‘See Kelly, it’s gonna be like this. This little boop’ and I was like, ‘Oh! That’s fine.’ We get out there, and man, when Mike (Knox) pulls me in front and I see him, I see him launch it back and I’m like, this is not — and he goes boom and I remember going back and literally, I think I got concussed. I saw stars. I did this face — my mom called me, she was freaking out. She’s like, ‘You made the face that you make right before you’re gonna cry’ and I’m like, ‘I was crying!’ I was in so much pain, and they put me on the stretcher and I just remember coming to the back and everyone’s waiting there, and my eyes are shut and then I open them and Vince (McMahon) is standing over me. He’s like, ‘Kelly! Are you okay!?’ And I’m like, … ‘Yeah’ and Tommy’s right there and he’s like, ‘When you go to the locker room, everybody’s standing out there. Don’t you let them see you cry. Don’t you let them see you cry!’ I’m like, ‘Okay’, and I’m like, ‘Okay’. I get it together and I’m walking, everyone’s like, ‘How was it?’ And I’m like, ‘It was fine! It’s fine, it was great!’ I get to the locker room like (crying hysterically)… ‘Oh my God.’

In March, Kelly expressed that she’s open to returning to wrestling. She wants her twins to see her in action one day. She last wrestled as a part of the 2022 women’s Royal Rumble

If the quote in this article is used, please credit Insight with Chris Van Vliet with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcription.

About Andrew Thompson 8842 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.