REPORT: Suwama out of action after undergoing examination, dealing with dizziness

Photo Courtesy: Photo Courtesy: @yuzunet_photo on X & Instagram

He underwent a medical evaluation on 8/24.

Suwama is an eight-time AJPW Triple Crown Heavyweight Champion. At the age of 47, he’s tallied up 19 years as a wrestler but per a report from Tokyo Sports, his in-ring career is going to be on hold for the foreseeable future.

The site noted that he’ll be absent due to dizziness. They learned that Suwama has been aware of his symptoms for about six months. Despite that, he continued to wrestle. 

In that six-month time span, Suwama won the AJPW World Tag Team Titles, competed in the 2024 Champion Carnival tournament and in July, he challenged for the Triple Crown Heavyweight Title. It was on 8/17 that he competed for the World Tag Team Championships again.

After the 8/24 AJPW show, he underwent a medical examination and for the time being, he will not be wrestling.

The length of his absence is unknown as of this writing.

About Andrew Thompson 9194 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.