NEWS POLLOCK’S NEWS UPDATE: AEW Dynamite returns to Wednesday June 30, 2021 John Pollock AEW Dynamite returns to Wednesday nights after being shuffled around due to TNT’s coverage of the NBA playoffs.
NEWS Melissa Coates a.k.a. ‘The Super Genie’ passes away at 50 June 23, 2021 John Pollock Melissa Coates, who was a former bodybuilder and spent several years working in OVW and Deep South Wrestling, has passed away.
NEWS POLLOCK’S NEWS UPDATE: Eddy Guerrero, Fifteen Years Later November 13, 2020 John Pollock Looking back at Eddy Guerrero’s passing, site of New Year Dash, Alex Zayne is WWE bound, ESPN+ increases, Paul Felder saves main event & more.