John Pollock and Wai Ting review AEW Dynamite featuring Cody vs. Shawn Spears in the first match of the TNT Championship tournament. [REVIEW STARTS AT 00:21:29]
Plus, Kenny Omega and Michael Nakazawa team up to battle Best Friends over the rights to their team name, Brodie Lee and Lance Archer destroy people, a match between Hikaru Shida and Britt Baker turns bloody, the build-up for Jon Moxley vs. Jake Hager next week, and Chris Jericho on commentary for the full show.
NEWS OF THE DAY [00:04:15]
- WWE set to hold another big set of tapings in Florida
- WWE Raw ratings for the night after WrestleMania and Tuesday night programming
- Notes on UFC 249 and what precautions they are taking
- Dark Side of the Ring viewership for the Brawl for All episode
- Impact Wrestling taping two months worth of shows
- New Japan Pro Wrestling cancels additional shows into May and considering empty arena events
Plus your feedback, comments, and questions from the POST Wrestling Forum.
Photo Courtesy: AEW
Rewind-A-Dynamite Theme by Jacob Chesnut
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