IMPACT Wrestling
August 4th, 2020
Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
By: Davie Portman
Heath vs Moose
This week’s show kicks off with Heath taking on the unsanctioned “TNA World Heavyweight Champion”. If Heath wins the match he will get an Impact Wrestling contract. Moose powers Heath into the corner and shouts that he is a “Wrestling God”. Heath fires back and sends Moose to the outside. On commentary Josh Matthews says that Heath was a “24/7 Champion, whatever that means” as he is selling Heath’s career prior to Impact. Heath runs Moose into the ring guard and ring posts before sending him back into the ring. Heath charges at Moose but gets strung up on the top rope with a Stun Gun. Moose follows up by catapulting Heath throat first into the bottom rope, follows up with a Dropkick for a two count. Heath starts to make a comeback when he catches Moose’s boot and delivers some running Forearms followed by his Leg Lariat for a two count. Heath manages to get another two count after catching Moose with a School Boy. Moose accidentally runs into the referee, knocking him to the mat. Heath hits the Wake-Up Call and gets a visual pin but the referee is down and can’t make the count. Moose Low Blows Heath and rolls him up with the tights for a very slow three count.
Moose defeats Heath via Pinfall in 9 mins 40 secs
Davie’s thoughts: I was not a fan of this match at all. Heath is displaying a more serious edge to his wrestling, however storyline-wise they are repeating the angle of Heath trying to get a job for his family. It doesn’t feel fresh at all and it doesn’t make me look at Heath in a different way from how he was positioned in WWE. Heath is clearly going to get another shot because of the screwy finish. I also really didn’t like the incredibly slow count after the Low Blow. I feel that a Low Blow should be a set up for a bigger move and wouldn’t be devastating enough to keep your shoulders to the mat for as long as Heath’s were (eight seconds, I counted). It’s a nitpick but it just lacks in believability for me and takes me out of the match.
Josh Matthews announces that on August 18th and August 25th, Impact will be running a special show called Emergence. On August 25th Jordynne Grace will be taking on Deonna Purrazzo in a rematch for the Knockouts Championship.
Willie Mack Interview
Gia Miller interviews Willie Mack and asks what he thinks Rich Swann’s big announcement will be. Mack feels that it probably has to do with Eric Young’s attack on Rich Swann’s ankle and calls Young a scumbag.
EC3 Vignette
Throughout this whole promo, we see clips from EC3’s former run in TNA and former champions that used to work there – Angle, Sting, Styles, Joe, Roode. He says that everything he has ever wanted he has achieved and that he’s had a moment of perfection but ever since then he has been punished. Punished by the fans, punished by company mismanagement, punished by the top one percent of the business, and punished by himself. He talks about controlling his narrative and to find the freedom he has to destroy his past. EC3 goes on to talk about the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and how he intends to win the title and burn its legacy to the ground. He offers a warning to Moose before the screen cuts to black.
The Motor City Machine Guns
Jimmy Jacobs is in the ring and introduces the Impact Tag Team Champions – The Motor City Machine Guns. Jacobs asks them what brings them back to Impact Wrestling. Alex Shelley says that all three of them have put their blood, sweat, and tears into wrestling and it has been eight years since they last teamed together. He says they came back to challenge themselves. He is proud of what they both did since leaving Impact in 2012 and he is proud of Sabin being able to come back after tearing his ACL for the third time. Sabin says that he asked Shelley to help him train when recovering from injury and from those training sessions they realized that the chemistry is still there and they would like to team again. They start talking about the current Impact Tag Division when they get interrupted by The North.
Josh Alexander says that they were champions for over a year and never got the chance to sit in the ring and tell their story. He says that The MCMGs have had preferential treatment but it is true that they beat The North. This angers Ethan Page who says that they beat The North at twenty percent. He says that they did not beat a one hundred percent ready The North. They were the longest reigning Impact Tag Champions and they decimated the entire division. Alex Shelley insults The North by saying it looks like Page has raided Rick Martel’s closet and calls Alexander “Rick Steiner Jr”. Shelley grants them their rematch and says that they can fight right now. Alexander and Page say they are not one hundred percent ready so they will have their rematch at Impact Emergence.
Davie’s thoughts: I thought this was a really strong segment setting up the rematch. Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin don’t have an over the top promo style but sound so believable that it makes them incredibly likable. They sound like actual real people, which I find so rare in wrestling. The North as always was incredibly entertaining, with Ethan Page once again stealing the scene with his anger issues.
Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee
Kimber Lee walks into Deonna Purrazzo’s dressing room and says that she was there when Jordynne Grace attacked Purrazzo last week and if that happens again at Emergence she will lose the title. Lee says that she can be of service and offers to take out Jordynne Grace and if she does she can get a shot at the championship. Deonna agrees and makes the deal.
Wrestle House
Taya Valkyrie ushers in all the members of Wrestle House to sit down. She talks to the camera and says that she is trapped in Wrestle House and she isn’t making the most of it. We see a clip of her opening a door and outside is full of fire and Abyss is stood there. Cousin Jake and Larry D almost fight over a seat but Susie gets them to make a truce. Taya says that everyone in the house has bad hygiene. She talks to house members and tells them that they need to sort out their BO problem. Johnny Swinger thinks BO stands for Bob Orton. Alisha tells Susie that she thinks Cousin Jake likes her and Susie says she likes him too. Kylie Rae asks when they’re going to go back to the Impact Zone as she is the number one contender. Rosemary tells her that they will leave when “he” (John E Bravo) takes a hint. Alisha is trying to teach Susie how to flirt with men. Johnny Swinger tries flirting with Alisha but ends up insulting her. Tommy Dreamer enters the house and says that it’s “Match Time” and Alisha challenges him to a handicap match.
Johnny Swinger vs Alisha & Susie
We go to the ring in the backyard of Wrestle House. Cody Deaner is refereeing whilst drinking a beer. Alisha grabs the beer off of Deaner but Susie takes it off of her saying that it’s “bad”. Swinger offers them to kiss his biceps but they both grab them and shove him to the match. The girls go for a Double Clothesline but Swinger ducks and try to pose for a photo. Alisha and Susie hit a Double Side Russian Leg Sweep followed by a Double Splash for the win.
Alisha & Susie defeat Johnny Swinger in 1 min 49 secs
Back In The House
Kylie Rae approaches John E Bravo to talk about Rosemary. She tells Bravo that they’re not able to leave the house until he gets the hint. Bravo says that he understands and it might take him a while but he can take the hint.
Davie’s thoughts: Wrestle House isn’t going to be for me as it really isn’t my type of humor but I respect them trying to do something different and get away from the empty arena setting. I think they’re using the right cast of characters and I quite enjoyed Kylie trying to get Bravo and Rosemary together so that she can wrestle again. The match was obviously meant to be for comedy, however, all the moves that Susie and Alisha hit looked incredibly weak.
Impact Plus Flashback Moment of the Week
This week’s Impact Plus Flashback Impact Plus Moment of the Week is from 29th October 2019 where Sami Callihan defeated Brian Cage in a Cage Match to become the new Impact World Heavyweight Champion.
The Good Brothers
The Good Brothers are walking outside the arena talking about how much they are enjoying it at Impact and how they really want a White Claw. They get to their car and see the door is open and beer is all over the floor. The Sheriff shows up and tells them that it is illegal to have open containers. Ace Austin arrives and calls them out for their drinking. Gallows goes to attack Austin and accidentally knocks into one of the police officers. The police arrest Gallows and take him away.
Davie’s thoughts: This was a really quick but effective segment to build up the feud between The Good Brothers and Ace Austin/Madman Fulton. In just a few short weeks, Gallows and Anderson have managed to display so much more personality than they did in WWE and I always enjoy Ace Austin’s heel work.
Brian Myers Vignette
We see a shot of Brian Myers as he does a voice over of all the cliche’s we have heard talent been told in WWE. Close your mouth and open your ears, good hand kid, less is more, respect is earned, grab that brass ring, be patient, trust the process, you’re just missing something. Brian Myers is coming soon.
Impact World Heavyweight Championship Open Challenge
Eddie Edwards vs Sami Callihan
Sami Callihan is about to make his entrance when Rob Van Dam attacks him from behind as Katy Forbes twerks. Van Dam and Forbes are mad because Callihan ruined her photo reveal last week. Security removes Van Dam and Forbes from the arena.
An injured Callihan comes to the ring and still wants the match. He slaps Edwards in the face who comes back and immediately hits a Tiger Driver for a two count. Edwards runs into the corner but Callihan moves to send Edwards to the outside. Callihan follows up with a Tope Suicida sending Edwards crashing into the guard rail. Edwards is sent back into the ring and comes back immediately with a Tope Suicida of his own. Callihan hits Edwards with a Piledriver on the apron. Callihan throws Edwards against the ring guard and the referee stops the count at six and then restarts the count from one. Back in the ring Callihan hits an Elbow Drop for a two count. The two have a chop exchange and Edwards manages to take the advantage after delivering a Blue Thunder Bomb. Callihan hits a GTS followed by a Running Elbow for a two count. Edwards hits a second Tiger Driver for another two count. Callihan hits a great looking Piledriver but Edwards manages to get his foot on the bottom rope. A frustrated Callihan grabs a steel chair but decides against using it. The hesitation allows Edwards to hit two Boston Knee Parties and picks up the win.
Eddie Edwards defeats Sami Callihan via Pinfall in 12 mins 51 secs
Davie’s thoughts: This was a pretty solid TV match with some great near falls. Sami Callihan isn’t hurt by the loss at all as he was attacked before the match. I’m also happy to see him move away from Shamrock and now seem to be feuding with Van Dam. I would prefer to see some lower card talent take Edwards up on the challenge as I think it will be a good way to elevate them. Callihan isn’t really someone who gains anything from this match.
Back At Wrestle House
Rosemary and Taya are looking for Bravo. They find Kylie Rae and think that she scared him off. Tommy Dreamer announces that it’s “Match Time” leading to Rosemary vs Kylie Rae
Rosemary vs Kylie Rae
Taya is the special guest referee and taunts Rae allowing Rosemary to attack her from behind. Rae applies a Headlock Takedown and Rosemary counters to a Head Scissors. Kylie manages to get a Jackknife Pin attempt but Taya counts slowly saying that it hurts her hand. Kylie Rae pretends to take Rosemary’s nose, which causes her to freak out. Kylie comes back with a big Uppercut followed by a Rolling Senton but Taya counts slowly again meaning it’s only a two count. Rosemary comes back with a Spear and Taya fast counts but Rae is still able to kick out. Bravo starts chanting for Rosemary, which distracts her. She turns into a Superkick and Kylie Rae gets the win.
Kylie Rae defeats Rosemary in 4 mins 30 secs via Pinfall
After the match, John E Bravo comes into the ring to check on Rosemary. He says that he likes her a lot but Taya has done a lot for him and it could be bad if something happens between them. Rosemary says that Taya doesn’t have to know. Taya comes in and drags Bravo off by the ear. The segment ends with Rosemary saying “As long as it takes”.
Davie’s thoughts: These segments aren’t about creating great wrestling matches but are there for comedy entertainment. Rosemary and Kylie Rae actually had a good match under the circumstances but the stuff with the nose was very childish humor and I can’t really see anyone finding funny. I am beginning to enjoy the romance story between Bravo and Rosemary.
Austin & Fulton Attack Anderson
Karl Anderson is on the phone to Gallows and tells him that he’s going to get him out of jail. Ace Austin approaches and starts to mock him so Anderson punches him in the face. Madman Fulton attacks Anderson from behind and the two take him out with a cane.
Hernandez Bribes Reno Scum
Hernandez is still upset about Rhino having the winnings from the arm wrestling. He bribes Reno Scum to help him get his money back.
Chris Bey & Rohit Raju vs TJP & Fallah Bahh
Chris Bey and TJP start the match and have a great sequence showing off their speed. TJP manages to bate Bey causing him to miss a Dropkick. He follows up with an Armbreaker and makes the tag to Fallah Bahh who hits Rohit with a Belly To Belly Suplex. TJP and Fallah Bahh continue to make quick tags but Rohit interferes allowing Chris Bey to take the advantage on TJP. Rohit makes the tag and gets a two count after hitting a Thrust Kick. TJP hits a Springboard Forearm followed by a sequence of Suplexes. He goes for a Swanton but Bey moves and hits him with a Spinning Heel Kick, Rohit follows up with a Jumping Flatliner but Bahh breaks up the pin attempt. Chris Bey goes for a Springboard but TJP catches him with an Armbar to pick up the Submission win.
TJP & Fallah Bahh win via Submission in 7 mins 16 secs (plus commercials)
Davie’s thoughts: This was a fun back and forth match with a surprising outcome of Chris Bey being submitted. This both moves TJP & Fallah Bahh up the Tag Team rankings and also puts TJP in a position where he can challenge Chris Bey for the X Division Championship. Bey and TJP looked good together when they were in the match and I feel could have a really good singles match down the line.
Next week
Tasha Steelz & Kiera Hogan vs Havok & Nevaeh (No DQ)
Jordynne Grace vs Kimber Lee
Eddie Edwards Impact World Title Open Challenge
Rich Swann Retires
Rich Swann comes to the ring on crutches. A very emotional Swann says that with hard work, dedication, love, and support he was able to become a professional wrestler. He was able to look at the naysayers and doubters and live his dream. He goes on to describe how serious his injury back in January was and he was told that he’d probably be walking with a limp for the rest of his life. Swann says that he worked as hard as he could to prove that doctor wrong. He went back to the same doctor and says that he was wrong and he is cleared to wrestle. He was determined to be back in time for Slammiversary and enter the main event. Eric Young got jealous and made all those months of rehab worthless when he took out his ankle with the steel chair and now he’s back in the same position he was in January. The doctor told Swann that he won’t be able to live a normal life if he decides to continue wrestling. Swann says that he has to think about his family and he has come to the decision that he has to retire. He thanks all the staff at Impact and says that he has had a great fifteen years in the industry, he hopes that he has left an Impact and he “loves you all”. The entire locker room lead by Willie Mack and Eddie Edwards comes out to surround the ring and applaud Rich Swann. The Rascalz help Swann out of the ring as he is in tears. He slowly walks up the ramp and turns to say goodbye when Eric Young jumps him from behind and smashes his ankle with the crutch. The locker room chase Eric Young out of the arena as Swann is left laying and Impact goes off the air.
Davies thoughts: Absolutely fantastic angle to close this week’s show. Rich Swann’s performance was so convincing and emotional that I actually bought that this was a genuine retirement speech. Swann’s pacing of his promo made it feel like genuine words from the heart rather than a scripted promo that he has learned. He delivered it perfectly. The entire roster (including heels) coming out to cheer for him made the whole thing seem even more believable. Eric Young attacking him after immediately makes him the number one heel in the company. Over the next few weeks, I see him feuding with Willie Mack until Rich Swann is ready for the big match.
Overall, this was a pretty enjoyable episode of Impact. Wrestle House isn’t going to be for everyone but I’m sure there are people out there that enjoy it. The Callihan vs Edwards and the tag team match were both solid and the final segment turned what was a good show into a great show.
7 Crutches Out Of 10