Austin Theory reflects on taking the F5 off the top of the Elimination Chamber pod

Austin Theory looks back on being one of the final two participants in the WWE Championship Elimination Chamber match

Austin Theory recounts what he was thinking before being F5’d off the platform.

Austin Theory has been consistently featured on WWE programming dating back to his return to the main roster on night two of the WWE Draft. Since then, he has been paired with Vince McMahon on-screen and Theory has found himself in segments with McMahon on a semiregular basis.

Several weeks ago at the Elimination Chamber event in Saudi Arabia, Theory had the opportunity to compete for the WWE Title and he was one of the two final participants in the match along with Brock Lesnar. Lesnar gave Theory an ‘F5’ off the top of the Chamber pod which led to him securing the victory.

Theory went live on Instagram with WWE Deutschland’s Sebastian Hackl and explained what was running through his mind as Lesnar was about to throw him off the structure.

Yeah, I don’t think the human body is supposed to spin like the top of a helicopter. Yeah, I don’t know. I’m just like, ‘This doesn’t feel right,’ that’s all I know. I was like, ‘And here we are. Okay.’ Have you ever seen the funny videos where they’re like, ‘And at this moment, he realized he [f*cked] up.’ That was me. That’s where time paused and I was like, ‘This is it.’

As for Theory’s on-screen involvement with McMahon, he was nervous when he found out he’d be working with him. He touched on what he’s been able to learn from Vince and added that he has no complaints about it.

It’s amazing [working with Vince McMahon on-screen]. I remember the first time I found out we were gonna do anything together at work together, I was nervous because I’m like, there’s no bigger stat I feel like in WWE than Mr. McMahon and when it comes to sports-entertainment as a whole, he’s definitely the first on that Mount Rushmore and to me, that’s like all going through my head when I gotta go sit down with him and we have to shoot this promo and especially being live, it’s a lot of pressure but I think over the time, just learning from him and really knowing what he wants and what he’s looking for and just his, you know, mentorship and him helping mold me and understand how the WWE works, it’s awesome and I have no complaints about it whatsoever.

Vince McMahon made an appearance on the Pat McAfee show on 3/3. Prior to McMahon’s appearance on the show, he had a segment with Austin Theory on Raw during which Theory suggested that he should be there in case things became physical. McMahon did offer McAfee the opportunity to compete at WrestleMania 38.

If the quotes in this article are used, please credit WWE Deutschland with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions. 

About Andrew Thompson 8840 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.