TNA Genesis
January 19, 2024
By: John Siino
Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas
Commentary: Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt
- Countdown: Jake Something over Ashante Adonis via pinfall (3:53)
- Countdown: Frankie Kazarian over Leon Slater via pinfall (9:07)
- TNA X-Division Title: Moose (c) over Ace Austin via pinfall (14:47)
- Eric Young & Steve Maclin over Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards via pinfall (7:30)
- TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Title: Dani Luna & Jody Threat (c) over Ash By Elegance & Heather By Elegance via pinfall (9:30)
- Tessa Blanchard over Jordynne Grace via pinfall (20:15) (Recommended)
- I Quit: Mike Santana over Josh Alexander (23:06) (Recommended)
- TNA World Tag Team Title: Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy (c) over Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz via pinfall (13:24)
- TNA Knockouts World Title Clock Orange House of Fun: Masha Slamovich (c) over Rosemary via pinfall (14:04)
- TNA World Title: Joe Hendry over Nic Nemeth (c) via pinfall to become new champion (19:08) (Recommended)
Countdown To Genesis
Gia Miller is your host for the Countdown to Genesis and she’s joined by, from Busted Open Radio; Tommy Dreamer, Dave LaGreca & Mark Henry.
We saw Joe Hendry, Nic Nemeth, Jordynne Grace & Tessa Blanchard enter the building, plus comments from Grace who said there’s a reason why Blanchard has her own locker room and nobody likes her including the fans, and she will send her back to where she belongs; to obscurity.
Arianna Grace showed up and took all the credit for this partnership between TNA & NXT and said the relationship is built upon respect, talent, and drama. Grace said she won’t reveal any of the surprises tonight before Ashante “Thee” Adonis comes out and says he’s here to kick off the partnership between WWE and TNA and puts out an open challenge that gets accepted by Jake Something.
Former NXT interviewer McKenzie Mitchell made her return to TNA tonight as the new ring announcer, replacing Jade Chung.
Ashante Adonis vs. Jake Something (Countdown to Genesis)
Jake Something takes it to Ashante Adonis immediately as Tom Hannifan asks if Karmen Petrovic should get worried that Adonis is out here calling out to the ladies. Adonis mounts a comeback, but Something takes him into the corner and attacks him with multiple clotheslines. Adonis is playing up the heel role here by taunting the crowd. Adonis tries to jump off the top rope but gets stopped by a big right hand from Something. Something follows with Into the Void to get the quick win.
Winner: Jake Something by pinfall at 3:53
Moose & JDC came out and interrupted the pre-show panel as Moose teased that he’s going to reveal the new X-Division Championship tonight before JDC says he’s going to do commentary for the next match.
Frankie Kazarian vs. Leon Slater (Countdown to Genesis)
There is history between these two, as it was stated that Leon Slater got himself a contract to TNA after his match with Frankie Kazarian when TNA had their UK Invasion tour in 2023. Kazarian recently wanted Slater to carry his Call Your Shot trophy around for him, which Slater declined. JDC said he’s there scouting Slater for The System. Slater tries to showboat until Kazarian knocks him off the corner to the outside right in front of the commentary table. Kazarian brings Slater back in and works on him, hitting a side Russian Leg Sweep and a spinning neckbreaker to get two counts. Slater comes back with some offense including a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Slater sends Kazarian to the outside where he dives onto him, flipping over the corner post to a big reaction. JDC gets in Slater’s face and tells him to get in the ring as he can’t win on the outside. Slater attempts the Swan Dive 450, but Kazarian gets his knees up and rolls up Slater to get the win.
Winner: Frankie Kazarian by pinfall at 9:07
Singer Camryn Wright came out to sing The Star-Spangled Banner as we officially start the pay-per-view portion of TNA Genesis.
TNA X-Division Championship: Moose (w/ JDC & Alisha Edwards) (c) vs. Ace Austin
Moose came out showing a newly designed X-Division Championship, as Ace Austin looks to earn his fourth X-Division title reign and right away attacks Moose sending him into the corner where he stomps him out. Austin stays in control, sending Moose spilling to the outside where he dodges and kicks away at Moose. Moose stops Austin’s momentum and whips him hard into the barricades. Moose tries to run into Austin, but Austin sidesteps as Moose goes crashing into it. Austin follows with a suplex on the outside but gets distracted by JDC as Moose catches him and chokeslams him onto the apron. Moose stays on top for a while until Austin tries to fight back with kicks and takes down Moose with a side Russian Leg Sweep and a leg drop. Moose catches Austin off the corner with Go To Hell but only gets a two-count. Moose tries to catch Austin off the ropes for another one, but Austin turns it into a hurricanrana. JDC interferes and sends Austin into the ring post, but as Moose is lapping around to hit a spear, Austin moves and Moose takes out JDC instead as Austin follows with The Fold on Moose. Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards make their way down to the ring but Austin takes them both out with a Fosbury Flop. Austin re-enters the ring but runs right into a spear from Moose, but Austin still kicks out at two. Austin tries the Art of Finesse but gets a spear to the back followed by another spear as Moose gets the pin and the win.
Winner: Moose by pinfall at 14:47, to retain
As soon as the match is over, Eric Young & Steve Maclin run in and start brawling with Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards as we go right into our next match.
The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards) (w/ Alisha Edwards) vs. Eric Young & Steve Maclin
They brawl in and out of the ring for a while before the match finally starts with Steve Maclin & Eddie Edwards in the ring. Alisha Edwards is on the outside and immediately trips up Maclin who runs into a Blue Thunder Bomb from Eddie. The System stays in control for a while, working on Maclin tagging in and out as the crowd chants ‘Fuck The System’. Eric Young tags in and takes control taking out both Edwards & Brian Myers, hitting a top rope elbow drop on Myers for two. They set up Myers for the Crosshairs, but Alisha enters the ring and gets in the way slapping Maclin down, as Myers follows with a spear for a two-count. All four enter the ring and go at it until Maclin hits the Crosshairs and KIA on Myers to get the pin and the win.
Winners: Eric Young & Steve Maclin by pinfall at 7:30
TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship: Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) (c) vs. Ash By Elegance & Heather By Elegance (w/ The Personal Concierge)
The Personal Concierge personally introduces Ash By Elegance & Heather By Elegance who both come out dressed as Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. Before the match starts, The Personal Concierge gets Ash & Heather to do a ‘Go Eagles’ cheer as Dani Luna & Ash start the match. Ash quickly tags out to Heather and tosses her right into a stalling double superplex by Spitfire. As the Concierge is distracting the referee, Ash stops Luna’s attempt at a suicide dive to Heather, by kicking her right in the face. Ash & Heather stay in control, keeping Luna in their corner with a double-team offense. Luna eventually escapes to make the hot tag to Jody Threat who goes after both of the Elegances hitting a driver on Heather, which Ash breaks up with a Meteora. Luna tags in and hits a pair of snap suplexes before getting stopped by a top rope crossbody by Heather. Threat violently drops Heather to the outside with a Pop Shove It as Luna brings Ash back inside from the apron with a vicious-looking German Suplex. They follow with the Pressure Drop on Ash, as Threat gets the pin and the win.
Winners: Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) by pinfall at 9:30, to retain
Will The King Claim His Crown?
We hear from Frankie Kazarian after his win over Leon Slater in the Countdown and says Slater is the future, but now they are talking about the present and right now. And ‘right now’ he is looking at Nic Nemeth & Joe Hendry and he hopes they tear each other limb by limb because then he has a decision as he points to his Call Your Shot trophy. He questions if he will let them settle their business or if is tonight the night the king claims his crown.
Tessa Blanchard vs. Jordynne Grace
Tessa Blanchard comes out to new theme music with the moniker of ‘The Undeniable Diamond’ but gets showered with boos while Texas’ own Jordynne Grace gets a great reaction. This is Tessa’s first match back in TNA since March 2020. As soon as the match starts, Grace takes it to Tessa in the corner before tossing her to the outside and hitting her with a dive and a Jackhammer to the outside. As Grace tries to carry Tessa back in, we get a ‘Fuck you Tessa’ chant which she plays to. Tessa takes Grace back into the ring and stays in control, springboarding back in with a splash for a two-count. As Tessa goes to the top rope, Grace stops her and joins her, hitting a fallaway slam as the crowd chants ‘Holy shit’. They start trading forearms before Grace stops her with a pair of body slams before sending her into the corner with a Snake Eyes followed by a sit-out powerbomb for two. Tessa comes back with a butterfly destroyer and gets a two-count. Grace comes back with a spine buster for two and mounts Tessa before turning into a Jackhammer attempt, which Tessa reverses with a neckbreaker for two. Tessa sends Grace to the outside, hitting her with a twisting crossbody. They take it to the steps, where Tessa hits a rolling Death Valley Driver to the outside. Back inside, they head to the top rope where Tessa a crucifix driver, but Grace still kicks out at two. The crowd starts chanting ‘She’s a racist’ towards Tessa. After some submission attempts, Tessa lands on the Octopus Stretch but Grace powers out and bounces Tessa off the ropes followed by a suplex for a two. Tessa comes back with a cutter for two before she points to the corner. Tessa heads to the top rope, but Grace dodges the Magnum attempt. Tessa keeps trying to expose the turnbuckles, before hitting Grace with the Buzzsaw DDT onto the bottom turnbuckle, but Grace is able to reach for the rope to break it up. Tessa finally is able to remove a turnbuckle pad and sends Grace into it with a bulldog, followed by the Magnum off the top rope to get the pin and the win.
Winner: Tessa Blanchard by pinfall at 20:15
I Quit Match: Josh Alexander vs. Mike Santana
The other members of The Northern Armory; Judas Icarus & Travis Williams are banned from ringside for this match. Mike Santana gets a great reaction as he makes his entrance through the crowd. This is Josh Alexander’s 4th ‘I Quit’ match winning the previous three while Santana enters his first. Santana gets sent to the outside where he calls Alexander a bitch, which gets the crowd to chant along. Santana dives onto Alexander on the outside and stays in control, attacking Alexander into the barricades as the crowd starts chanting for tables, Santana listens and grabs one from under the ring. Funny moment as Alexander suplexes Santana on the outside as a fan says ‘That looks like it hurt’ and Santana answers back with ‘It did, asshole’. Alexander puts Santana over the ring post into a figure four, Bret Hart style as the referee asks Santana if he quits. He does not. The crowd chants ‘You’re still bald’ to Alexander. It hasn’t been a kind year for bald wrestlers. Alexander hits the Three Amigos and then starts taunting with the Eddie Guerrero shuffle. They go counter for counter for a while before the crowd reminds Santana about the table on the outside. Santana dodges a moonsault attempt from Alexander and hits him with a Death Valley Driver. Alexander dodges Spin the Block on puts on the Ankle Lock as Santana screams no that he won’t quit and rolls out of the move as his boot comes off just to get back body dropped over the top rope through the table. As the referee goes to ask Santana if he quits, he responds with ‘I don’t quit’. Alexander brings another table, steel steps, and a chair into the ring. Alexander starts smashing Santana’s exposed ankle with the chair as the referee keeps asking him if he will quit. Santana tells Alexander he would ‘have to kill him’ and that there’s ‘no quit in his blood’. Alexander exposes his elbow and starts dropping it on Santana’s face as the crowd chants ‘Fuck you baldie’. Alexander hits a C4 Spike, but Santana rises back up from it and goes after Alexander with a buckle bomb, puts him on the top rope and hits a hurricanrana, goes right back up top, and hits a Frog Splash followed by Spin the Block. Santana grabs a zip tie and puts it on Alexander’s hands before hitting him with another Spin the Block, but Alexander still doesn’t quit. Santana traps Alexander in the corner in between a table, before he runs and dives off steel steps with a cannonball through the table and Alexander, still no quitting. Santana finds a slapjack and starts whipping Alexander with it, as Alexander is now spitting up blood and instead of quitting says ‘You’ll never be the guy, Mike’. Santana goes to curb stomp Alexander into the steel steps, but right away Alexander quits as the match ends.
Winner: Mike Santana at 23:06
Josh Alexander Quits TNA
Santana gets on the mic after and tells Alexander to keep his word and shake his hand, which Alexander does. Alexander says he’s a man of his word and says Santana is the standard of TNA. Alexander says that not only did he quit tonight but he quit TNA as well.
TNA World Tag Team Championship: The Hardys (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) (c) vs. The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz)
The Rascalz come out with an old-school Hardy Boyz-inspired look. Before the match begins, the NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom make their way out to a big reaction and take seats ringside to watch this championship match. Matt Hardy & Trey Miguel start the match, but Jeff Hardy & Zachary Wentz quickly tag in and get a nice reaction from the crowd. Wentz has his hair dyed purple today in honor of Jeff. Tom Hannifan reminds us that The Rascalz are owed a title shot at the NXT Tag Team Championship. Wentz tries to dive onto Matt on the outside but gets caught right into the Side Effect. Wentz gets tossed into the crowd as the Hardys start double-teaming on Miguel, hitting him with the Plot Twist as Wentz runs back in to break up the count. Wentz tags in as The Rascalz start attacking The Hardys in the corners. The Hardys get sent right into Frazer & Axiom and have a couple of words before Miguel dives and takes out Frazer & Axiom by accident. Security comes out and escorts Fraxiom to the back as Jeff hits Poetry in Motion off the stairs to The Rascalz. All four men go at it inside the ring, hitting Jeff with Feed ‘Em to The Lions, but he kicks out. Jeff fights them off and hits Twist of Fate on Miguel for two. Wentz gets sent to the outside as The Hardys double-team Miguel, with Matt hitting the Twist of Fate with Jeff heading to the top rope for the Swanton Bomb to get the pin and the win.
Winners: The Hardys (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) by pinfall at 13:24, to retain
Live iMPACT Line-Up
They announce on this week’s live episode of TNA iMPACT we will have Santino Marella address Josh Alexander quitting TNA as well as Nathan Frazer & Axiom defending the NXT Tag Team Championship against The Rascalz.
TNA Knockouts World Championship Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match: Masha Slamovich (c) vs. Rosemary
In case you are unfamiliar with a Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match, there are all types of weapons in and out of the ring and hanging above it. Right away Masha Slamovich takes down Rosemary and grabs a trash can lid that she smashes over Rosemary. Masha then grabs a stapler gun, but as Rosemary tries to block it, she gets her hands stapled. Masha follows that with a staple to Rosemary’s armpit. Masha then grabs a can that she starts using until Rosemary stops her with green mist to the face. Rosemary sets up a table on the outside but she goes onto the apron, Masha stops her with a crossbody and they go crashing into the table. Masha places Rosemary on a chair and tries to cannonball onto her, but Rosemary moves as Masha goes crashing into the chair. Rosemary finds ‘Janice’, the nail board under the ring, and starts going after Masha with it who tries to fight back with the cane, which gets destroyed by Janice. Rosemary leaves with Janice and returns with a red bag of thumbtacks that she spills all over the stage. The tussle on the stage before Rosemary sends Masha into the tacks with a spear. Back inside the ring, Masha sends Rosemary into a barbed-wired board with the Snow Plow but only gets a two-count. Masha brings a ladder into the ring and climbs it, but gets pushed off the ladder and goes crashing onto a table on the outside. Being its falls count anywhere, Rosemary goes for the pin but Masha barely kicks out. Rosemary places Masha on top of four chairs and heads to the top rope, but Masha meets her up there and hits the Requiem piledriver onto the seated chairs to get the pin and the win.
Winner: Masha Slamovich by pinfall at 14:04
As soon as the match is over, Cora Jade from NXT makes her way out and confronts Masha in the ring eyeing the TNA Knockouts World Championship.
My Brother
Santino Marella is on the stage with the pre-show panel and asks them for their picks for the main event. Gia Miller is undecided and chooses both as Mark Henry thinks it’s Joe Hendry’s night. Dave LaGreca picks Nic Nemeth and before Tommy Dreamer can make his pick, Ryan Nemeth runs in and snatches the mic from him. Ryan says his brother doesn’t care what these people think because his brother is a winner. Santino says Ryan has no business in this match and bans him from ringside.
TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs. Joe Hendry
This has a big fight feel for this match as Tom Hannifan announces that this show has sold out and thanks everyone for joining us for Genesis. The crowd is fully behind Joe Hendry for this match. Commentary brings up how Joe Hendry had the Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe match from TNA Genesis 2006 saved onto his iPod for years before he decided to pursue wrestling himself. Nic Nemeth starts the match by showing off, but Hendry knocks him down with a knee to the face followed by a vertical suplex. Ryan Nemeth reappears this time with a ticket and takes a seat in the front row. Nic Nemeth stays in control for the next couple of minutes, as the crowd doesn’t want to see it. They start trading uppercuts with Hendry coming out on top to a ‘We believe’ chant, but Nemeth avoids the Standing Ovation attempt. Hendry catches Nemeth on a top rope crossbody attempt but gets stopped with a Fameasser for two. Nemeth heads to the top and calls for something risky, but Hendry joins him up there and hits a fallaway slam. Frankie Kazarian starts to make his way down with his Call Your Shot trophy, but before he can cash it in, John Layfield shows up and takes out Kazarian with a Clothesline From Hell. Ryan Nemeth gets in Layfield’s face but gets knocked out with a right punch. Hendry blocks a Danger Zone attempt and hits a Standing Ovation, but Nemeth kicks out at two as Hannifan mentions that no one has ever kicked out of that move before. Hendry tries another one, but it gets blocked as Nemeth hits a super kick and the Danger Zone, but Hendry kicks out at two. Nemeth teases another superkick, but Hendry catches him into another fallaway slam followed by the Standing Ovation to get the pin and the win.
Winner: Joe Hendry by pinfall at 19:08, to become NEW TNA World Champion