NEWS Jay Lethal, Samuray Del Sol added to AAA Mega Title match at Triplemania Regia November 24, 2021 Andrew Thompson Jay Lethal, Samuray Del Sol and Hijo del Vikingo will compete for the vacant AAA Mega Championship at Triplemania Regia
NEWS FTR vs. Lucha Brothers, Dragon Lee, Laredo Kid added to AAA Triplemania Regia November 11, 2021 Andrew Thompson AAA rolls out the complete lineup for Triplemania Regia on December 4th
NEWS Kenny Omega vs. Hijo del Vikingo, Cain Velasquez in action at AAA Triplemania Regia October 18, 2021 Andrew Thompson Several matches announced for AAA’s Triplemania Regia show
NEWS AAA advertising Cain Velasquez & Kenny Omega for 12/4 October 17, 2021 John Pollock AAA is set to announce full details for TripleMania Regia on Monday and are advertising Kenny Omega and Cain Velasquez for the event.
NEWS POST NEWS UPDATE: Big Swole Confirms That She Has Signed With AEW December 2, 2019 Andrew Thompson Big Swole signs with AEW, Shad Gaspard talks navigating WWE, recap of New Day’s podcast, Eric Bischoff and Chris Jericho interviews & much more