NEWS Rocky Romero describes Good Brothers going back to WWE as a ‘stressful situation’ initially, told them not to screw him over December 20, 2022 Andrew Thompson Rocky Romero goes over The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows) going back to WWE and admits that he was nervous about it
NEWS VICTORY ROAD: Christian Cage retains, Josh Alexander using ‘Option C’ September 18, 2021 John Siino John Siino’s report on Victory Road featuring Christian Cage defending the IMPACT title against Ace Austin in the main event.
NEWS Hogan vs. Grace, Good Brothers in action on 4/22 IMPACT Wrestling on AXS April 16, 2021 Andrew Thompson Four matches have been added to the 4/22 IMPACT on AXS broadcast. This show is IMPACT’s Rebellion go-home show
NEWS IMPACT REPORT: Emergence Night 1 feat. MCMG vs. The North August 18, 2020 Davie Portman The first week of the ‘Emergence’ special featured The Motor City Machine Guns vs. The North for the tag titles, Moose vs. Trey & more.