NEWS AJ Francis signed for multiple seasons of A&E’s ‘Most Wanted Treasures’, contracted through WWE Studios March 3, 2022 Andrew Thompson AJ Francis says he’s contracted by WWE Studios to host multiple seasons of ‘Most Wanted Treasures’. He isn’t sure if he’ll be hosting again
NEWS WWE expands partnership with A&E, ‘Most Wanted Treasures’ to begin production, new series March 1, 2022 Andrew Thompson WWE and A&E have expanded their partnership with shows returning to the network and a new series titled ‘Rivals’
NEWS Television Ratings: WWE Raw increase, Miz & Mrs., A&E programming May 4, 2021 John Pollock Monday’s program averaged 1,872,000 viewers and 0.53 in the 18-49 demographic representing an increase of 5.5 percent in viewers and 8.2 percent in the target demo.
NEWS WWE Raw manages third best figure of 2021, A&E ratings from Sunday April 20, 2021 John Pollock One week after WrestleMania, Raw managed its third-best television number of 2021 on Monday night while staying on top of the cable charts.