Jack Talos credits Aron Stevens for connecting him to NWA, talks/jokes about ‘weird vibe’ on his first day

Photo Courtesy: @distractedbywrestling on Instagram

Aron Stevens was the bridge to get Talos to NWA .

Jack Talos is three years into his professional wrestling career. It kicked off with WWE and he was let go from the company during the summer of 2021. 

Present day, he’s working independent dates in Florida, his home state of Oklahoma and he’s part of the National Wrestling Alliance. While speaking to Bryan Asbury of Developmentally Speaking, Talos shared that Aron Stevens helped him get an opportunity with NWA. 

Daniel (Hill) kind of came to me and said, ‘Hey, I have a friend in Aron Stevens.’ ‘Alright, yeah, yeah. I know who Aron Stevens is. That sounds familiar. Damien Sandow? That guy? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I got you.’ He said, ‘Hey man, well, he’d like to have a conversation with you’ and so, we got the talking. He was basically like, ‘Hey man, work over there for a while. Let me get the opportunity for you in NWA to bring you in and we’ll go from there…’

When it came time for his first show under the NWA banner, he explained why there was a ‘weird vibe’ when he arrived. The night prior, there was a wrestler competing for the organization that was the same size as Talos. He was not the most pleasant to work with. He was not welcomed back.

Those who were not present on night one showed up on the second day with the thought in mind that there was a large individual that was causing trouble. They assumed Talos was the individual, but Aron Stevens made sure to tell everyone that Talos was not the person from night one. 

Whoever doesn’t know, my partner’s name is Daisy Kill, and the whole story with Daisy Kill and me and him as a tag team in NWA is kind of hilarious to me. So, I’m in Florida doing shows with C.C.W. which is Coastal Championship Wrestling and I’m there Friday, Saturday. I’m supposed to leave Sunday. I find out NWA’s in town and we start trying to get it worked out where I’m gonna go to NWA. That Friday, me and Daisy are sitting there at the C.C.W. shows… we’re not tagging, we’ve never worked with NWA at this point and he’s telling me about, ‘Yeah man, I’m gonna go to NWA and I’m gonna show up and work and try to get a match.’ I don’t necessarily always operate that way and I know I was waiting on an invitation and I didn’t wanna overstep. I was like, ‘Yeah man, I’m not gonna just show up. But they invite me, I’ll come.’ Saturday night rolls around, I’m getting ready to leave the state and Aron Stevens calls me. He’s like, ‘Zech, meet me at my hotel 11 AM Sunday morning. We got you a match.’ I pick him up in Tampa, we go and you know, there’s this weird vibe as soon as I walk into the building because everyone’s kind of looking at me crazy, and I’m used to being looked at… It fully dawns on me as Aron’s telling me this story about how what happened because he had wanted me there Friday and Saturday but that wasn’t gonna work (because) they had-had another giant come in, like a seven-foot-two — again, we’ll keep names out of this. They had another big guy come in, like seven-foot-two, big, scary-looking dude and they liked him. Apparently, he was not much a — what’s a polite way of saying this? People person. We’ll say he wasn’t much of a people person. So he ends up going out there, not making the best impression. Pretty sure the wrestler he ended up wrestling, guy ended up getting hurt and funny enough, my partner Daisy was actually there Saturday and ended up tagging with him, and so we’ll narrow it down for you guys. So they do the match, he ends up hurting the other wrestler he’s wrestling against and there’s a big hubbub in the back and he ends up getting kicked out of there, long story short… So I show up the next day and everyone who wasn’t there the day prior, all they hear about is the story about how there’s this seven-foot guy and he’s an asshole. So, as we’re walking around the locker room, Aron is having to stop everyone and be like, ‘Hey man, listen, this isn’t the bad giant. This is the good giant, different giant. Don’t worry. All those stories you heard, this ain’t him.’ So, we would go out there and we’re going over what we might be doing for the day and basically, they wanna do a repeat of the night prior and have me and Daisy Kill tag together, and the funniest part to me is me and Daisy, we literally were talking about it Friday night. We were like, ‘Bro, what if they tag us together?’ Because we’d wanted to tag together for a while because we always thought we had the Michaels, and Diesel kind of dynamic… Sure enough, that Sunday, that Sunday they were like, ‘Yeah, you two are gonna tag. You’re gonna do the same match as the other night. It’s gonna be great.’ We’re like, ‘Yeah, it’s gonna be great,’ and the rest is kind of history, right? 

Talos was featured on the 4/23 episode of NWA Powerrr on The CW app. He teamed with Daisy Kill and they picked up a win to advance in the tournament to crown new NWA United States Tag Team Champions. 

Kill and Talos are one-time holders of the titles. 

If the quotes in this article are used, please credit Developmentally Speaking with an H/T to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.

About Andrew Thompson 8594 Articles
A Washington D.C. native and graduate of Norfolk State University, Andrew Thompson has been covering wrestling since 2017.