GCW: Lights Out 2024
June 14, 2024
The Fairgrounds
Golden, Colorado
Match Recommendations:
Nick Gage vs. Orin Veidt
Zilla Fatu vs. Cole Radrick
Mance Warner vs. Jordan Oliver
Commentary: Dave Prazak and Emil Jay
Singles Match: Hunter Drake vs. Gino Rivera
Gino attacked Drake before the bell and started beating him down in the corner. Drake was able to fire up, connecting with a series of punches and landing a big step-up knee for good measure. Gino rolled to the floor to try and get a time-out, but Drake didn’t allow him that opportunity, taking him out with a tope. When Drake was set up in the corner, Gino hit him with the Razzle Dazzle, resulting in the first near fall of the evening.
Gino was in firm control of the match as he started to work over Drake’s eyes with his own wrist tape. The sold-out crowd in Denver tried to will Drake back to his feet, but Gino dropped him again with a boot to the face. Drake was able to create some separation and connected with a combination of kicks followed by a standing shooting star press, but it was only good for a two-count.
Both men got back up to their feet. Rivera took Drake down with a Rana, followed by a top rope splash and a standing senton, but Drake again managed to kick out. Finally, Drake was able to hit a Code Red to secure the victory.
Hunter Drake Defeated Gino Rivera
Tag Team Match: EFFY and Dark Sheik vs. Fuego Del Sol and Sam Stackhouse
Sheik and Stackhouse started the match off for their respective teams. Sheik was pounced into the corner by the much bigger Stackhouse. Sheik grabbed a headlock, but Stackhouse picked her up and dumped her on the mat. Sheik responded with some chops, but Stackhouse took off his shirt, unfazed by Sheik’s strikes. Sheik wound up again, but it again did nothing to Stackhouse, who sent her to the mat with a single chop. He went to chop her in the corner, but Sheik moved out of the way, allowing her to unload on him with a series of kicks. Sheik went to the top rope and came off with a crossbody, but Stackhouse absorbed it and took her down with a shoulder tackle.
Sheik made the tag to EFFY, and Stackhouse then tagged in Sol, resetting the match with two fresh opponents. They locked up in the center of the ring. EFFY got a brief advantage, but Sol got out of it with his quickness. EFFY dropped down to his knees, throwing Sol off his game. Sol dropkicked EFFY in the mouth and charged across the ring with an uppercut, but EFFY was able to fire up and ram Sol’s head into the turnbuckle, stretching him out with the Gayrancula. They traded standing switches, and EFFY was able to take Sol down with an arm drag followed by a Tenta for a quick near fall.
Sheik tagged back in, and she and EFFY both booted Sol in the face. She then hit her slingshot legdrop/senton combination. Stackhouse tagged himself back in and ran wild on both EFFY and Sheik with big spin kicks, leveling both of them. Stackhouse has improved his game and in-ring storytelling; he’s not just a fat guy who does fat guy things—there’s purpose behind his movements now.
Sol got on Stackhouse’s shoulders, but EFFY headbutted Stackhouse. Sheik came off the top with a shoulder block, resulting in Sol giving Stackhouse an inadvertent Poisonrana. Sol was rocked with a kick to his head by Sheik, who then hit him with a Lungblower. Stackhouse got back up to his feet and tried to slam Sheik, but Sheik got out of it and punched him in the balls. EFFY came off the top with a Blockbuster, but Stackhouse was able to kick out at two. Stackhouse responded with a double chokeslam.
Sheik was on the top rope, but Sol sent her flying off the top into a driver from Stackhouse. EFFY came diving in, breaking up the pin at the last second. For some reason, the crowd felt like chanting “This is wrestling”—one of the worst chants. Stop trying to be in the know; just enjoy the product.
EFFY came off the top rope with a super Sack Ryder, and Sheik came off the top with a big leg drop, securing the pin and the win for EFFY and Dark Sheik.
Dark Sheik and EFFY Defeated Sam Stackhouse and Feugo Del Sol
Singles Match: Danhausen vs. Broski Jimmy Lloyd
Jimmy Lloyd cut a promo on the crowd and called Danhausen a wannabe indie wrestler. Danhausen came to the ring with his jar of teeth as the crowd chanted for him, while Jimmy tried to get the WOO WOO WOO chant going. Danhausen cursed Broski and took him down with a shoulder tackle, splashing him in the corner before unloading with ten punches followed by a bulldog into an axe handle off the top rope.
They started to brawl on the floor, with Danhausen unloading on Jimmy with repeated punches. Jimmy took the match back inside the ring, dropping Danhausen with a right hand and performing the Cardona pushup choke spot followed by a big boot to Danhausen’s face. He choked Danhausen on the ropes and kicked him in the gut, but Danhausen still managed to kick out. Jimmy took Danhausen down with a shoulder block and put on his cape while stomping him in the corner.
Jimmy was caught off guard by Danhausen, who took him down with a Northern Lights suplex followed by a big splash in the corner. Danhausen tried to go for a shoulder in the midsection, but Jimmy kicked him in the head. Danhausen crawled to his corner and grabbed the jar of teeth. Jimmy pulled the ref in front of Danhausen and hit him with a low blow into a Broski boot in the corner. Jimmy hit the Radio Silence, but Danhausen was able to kick out at the last second.
Jimmy grabbed his championship belt, but Danhausen sidestepped him and hit Jimmy with a German suplex. He then grabbed the teeth, poured them into Jimmy’s mouth, and kicked him in the face for the victory.
Danhausen Defeated Broski Jimmy Lloyd
Singles Match: JKM vs. Joey Janela
Joey backed JKM up into the corner, grabbed a waistlock, and dumped him on the canvas. Janela hit him with a kick to the midsection before chopping away at his chest in the corner. Joey then gained momentum and hit JKM with a low lariat. JKM was able to take Janela off his feet with a big arm drag, using his quickness to repeatedly evade Janela’s attempted offense and hit Joey with a slingshot tornado for a two count.
Joey went to the floor, but Joey cut him off with a big uppercut followed by a Death Valley Driver on the edge of the apron. Joey hit him with repeated uppercuts in the corner and went for a package piledriver, but JKM was able to flip out of it and hit Joey with a Pele kick. JKM got back up to his feet, hit Joey with a massive dive to the floor, and then a frog splash in the ring for a two count.
JKM came off the second rope, but Joey moved out of the way and planted him with a half-and-half suplex followed by a big sit-out powerbomb for a very close near fall. JKM and Janela exchanged superkicks, Joey responded with a brainbuster, but JKM reversed it and hit Joey with a driver for a near fall of his own. JKM went for a 450, but Joey got his knees up and hit him with a package piledriver. JKM somehow managed to kick out at the last second. Joey smoked JKM with a superkick followed by a top rope double stomp for the victory.
Joey Janela Defeated JKM
Singles Match: Zilla Fatu vs. Cole Radrick
Cole dropkicked Zilla through the ropes before the bell rang and took him out with a tope. Cole Sabu’d a chair at Zilla, but Zilla fired up with several knees and big chops across Cole’s chest. Zilla sent a charging Cole into a wall at ringside. Back inside the ring, Zilla dropped an elbow on Cole for a quick near fall and asked, “Where are the doors?” He then proceeded to bring numerous doors into the ring, propping them up in opposite corners.
Cole responded with several punches to Zilla, briefly stunning the Samoan. Zilla got back up to his feet and set Cole up against the door. Zilla went for a charging diving headbutt, but Cole moved out of the way, sending Zilla crashing headfirst through the door. Cole beat Zilla over the head with the door, but Zilla fired up and slammed Cole through the door with immense explosive power. Cole was popped up and planted with a big Samoan Drop followed by a facebuster, but he was able to get his shoulder up at the last second, only to be take a spinebuster into the other door in the corner.
Cole went for a springboard cutter, but Zilla knocked him out of the air with a Samoan Spike for the pin. Zilla is a star.
Zilla Fatu Defeated Cole Radrick
Commentary: Dave Prazak and Brett Lauderdale
Singles Match: Allie Katch vs. Man Like Dereiss
Due to complications with her bags, Katch was wrestling in a t-shirt and sweatpants. They started off with a wrist lock exchange. DeReiss took her down and tried to lock her in a camel clutch. Katch got pissed off because he slapped her ass and went for a roll-up pinfall. Katch tried to take DeReiss off his feet with a shoulder block, but she was unsuccessful as he grabbed a headlock and took her down with a shoulder tackle. DeReiss took her over with a snap suplex, but she was able to get her shoulder up.
Katch took DeReiss down with a splash and set him up for her running hip attack/cannonball combination, but he rolled to the floor before she could do anything. She took him out with a tope, followed by an attempted piledriver, but DeReiss got out of it only to be taken down with a ‘rana. This time, Katch was able to hit her running hip attack/cannonball combination for a two-count. DeReiss ducked a lariat and hit Katch with a cutter, but Katch was able to get her shoulder up.
Katch hit DeReiss with a sunset flip as they went into the fish-out-of-water spot. Katch took DeReiss off his feet with a butt block, and DeReiss called for more. Katch took off her sweatpants, revealing EFFY’s trunks, and hit him repeatedly with hip attacks. However, DeReiss was able to roll her up, getting the lucky victory.
Man Like DeReiss Defeated Allie Katch
Commentary: Dave Prazak and Joey Janela
GCW World Championship Match: GCW World Champion Mance Warner vs. Jordan Oliver
Mance Warner cut a promo on Denver and Jordan Oliver, comparing his heroes, Bischoff and Kevin Nash, to Oliver’s heroes, Jimmy Rave and Trent Acid. He said, “The main difference between my heroes and yours is that they made a whole bunch of fucking money in the business and that they are still alive.”
Oliver slapped Mance across the face and hit him with a flurry of punches in the corner. Warner went out to the floor for a breather and hit Jordan across the knee with a steel chair. Mance targeted the injured knee with repeated strikes from the steel chair. Janela noted on commentary that Oliver had thrown out his knee at one of the shows in Atlantic City and was scheduled for an MRI. As Oliver tried to recover in the corner, Mance Warner turned his attention to referee Scarlette Donovan and threatened to punch her. Oliver got back up to his feet and tried to do some damage with punches, but Mance shrugged him off and hit him across the knee again with the steel chair.
Mance hit a hobbled Jordan Oliver off his feet with repeated lariats but almost got rolled up after a cocky pin attempt. Oliver tried to escape to the corner, but Mance hit him with a big axe handle across the back. He took a drink out of a bottle of water and threw it into the crowd. Mance took his time grabbing a door from underneath the ring and unloaded on Jordan in the corner with repeated punches. A limping Oliver tried to chop him back but didn’t have enough strength due to not being able to plant his leg.
Mance propped a door in the corner and placed a prone Oliver in front of it. Mance went to spear him through the door, but Oliver collapsed before Mance made the charge across the ring. Oliver fired back with a superkick, resulting in a brief near fall. Oliver took too much time, and Mance hit him across the back repeatedly, which only seemed to fire up Oliver even more. Oliver unloaded with chops, finally taking the Champion off his feet. Oliver fought through the pain to deliver a desperate fisherman’s neckbreaker for another near fall.
For some reason, Oliver decided to climb to the top rope. Mance shook the bottom rope, which took away Jordan Oliver’s balance. Mance set up two chairs beneath Oliver, giving him time to set up a door bridge. Mance connected with a brutal overhand chop as he climbed to the top rope. Oliver escaped, hung Mance up on the top rope, and powerbombed Mance through the door, but Mance kicked out at two.
Mance went back to work on Oliver’s injured knee and slammed the steel chair across Jordan’s back, followed by a knee to the side of his head, which busted Oliver open. Mance went to work on the cut with repeated closed fist shots. A bloodied Oliver responded with some shots of his own, followed by a fisherman’s buster on the steel chair, but Mance again got his shoulder up. Oliver leveled Mance with a superkick and went for a shell shock, but Mance got his shoulder up once more. Mance shoved Scarlette into Oliver and hit him with another running knee strike. Oliver spat at Mance, who hit him with another running knee followed by an implant DDT to retain his World Championship.
Mance Warner Retained the GCW Championship
1-0 in title defenses
Post Match: Mance attacked Oliver with the steel chair, Janela ran to the ring to make the save and Sabu’d a chair into Mance Warner’s head who grabbed his title and went to the back.
Deathmatch: Nick Gage vs. Orin Veidt
Orin is a criminally underrated deathmatch wrestler. He has had repeated classics with Gage, Murdoch, and Tremont. I hope he sticks around full-time.
The two men started with a stiff lock-up. Orin grabbed a headlock and tried to take Gage off his feet with a shoulder tackle. Gage held his ground and slapped Orin across the head. Orin gained enough momentum to take the King down. Gage charged in, but Orin caught him and sent him through a pane of glass with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Gage rolled to the floor as Orin kicked the broken glass across the ring. Gage was wiped out with a tope from Orin. Gage popped back up and nailed Orin with an elbow across his jaw, then rolled Orin back inside the ring.
Gage dumped a bin full of broken glass across the ring, grabbed a gusset plate, and headbutted it into Orin’s chest. Orin ripped it out of his chest and was sent shoulder-first into the pile of broken glass. Gage came off the second rope with a reverse back elbow for a quick near fall. Gage grabbed a handful of broken glass and ground it into Orin’s back before suplexing him into the pile of broken glass. Gage hit Orin with repeated forearms followed by a DDT onto the broken glass for another near fall. Gage grabbed a staple gun, stapled Orin’s hand, and hit a glass-assisted senton on his hand. Gage then grabbed a chair covered in broken glass and drop toe held Orin face-first into it.
Gage rushed in, but Orin elevated him up and over to the floor. Orin went for a dive, but Gage hit him with the glass-covered chair and sent him face-first into the ring post. They started brawling in the crowd. Orin was on the balcony, and Gage met him up there as the crew set up a door bridge below them. They traded fists and headbutts, which staggered both men. Gage fired up and tossed Orin off the bleachers through the doors on the floor.
Both men made it back to the ring. The crowd got to their feet as both men started unloading on each other with forearms and strikes. Gage speared Orin into the pile of glass, followed by a Falcon Arrow, but Orin was able to get his shoulder up. Gage went to the back and returned with a weedwhacker, hitting Orin with it. Orin fired up and slammed Gage on the broken glass, but Gage was able to get his shoulder up. Gage hit Orin with a piledriver in the broken glass to secure the victory.
Nick Gage Defeated Orin Veidt