If any of the quotes from the following podcasts or video interviews are used, please credit those sources, and provide an H/T and link back to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.
** Guest appearing on Stories with Brisco and Bradshaw was Jazz. She remembers Terry Taylor contacting her in 2007 about coming to TNA Wrestling but at the time, Jazz found out she was pregnant. The Knockouts women’s division was officially established that year.
I had got a phone call from Terry Taylor in ‘07, but it was right at the same time I had just found out I was pregnant and then he called me to give me a job with IMPACT at the time and I was like, ‘Terry –‘ I was like, ‘God, I would love to but I just found out I’m pregnant.’ I said, ‘Give me about a year, year and a half and I’ll be ready.’
** There’s an extensive interview with Sareee on the Proresu-TODAY site. She spoke about putting together her Sareee-ISM events. She has shows scheduled for July 29th and September 2nd. Sareee added that she wants Sareee-ISM to host a dream match this summer.
It’s a lot of work because I do everything myself, but I’m not just producing my own cards, I’m also producing other cards, so I can show the kind of wrestling I want to show. So it’s a lot of fun and rewarding. This summer, I want to show a dream fight at Sareee-ISM so that everyone will have the best memories!
When she left Japan to join WWE, she had a feeling of regret because she did not get a singles match done with Mayu Iwatani. This year, the two talents wrestled for the IWGP Women’s Championship at STARDOM All-Star Grand Queendom.
I felt that regret even after I went to the United States (she said about not wrestling Mayu Iwatani in a singles match before leaving Japan for the USA). I wanted to fight Iwatani, and the fans were looking forward to it too. I was really sorry for missing out, and I absolutely had to do this. I felt that I had left my match with Iwatani behind in Japan…
** A virtual signing with Rhino was hosted by K & S WrestleFest. He mentioned that he never liked the ‘War Machine’ nickname, but TNA wanted to run with it. He said they did not have it trademarked, so when he re-signed, he wrote it into his intellectual property.
TNA gave it to me (War Machine nickname). They wanted me to push it and they’d push it and push it and I actually didn’t like it for the longest time and then I just got used to it. You know, what’s crazy is they never patented it. When I re-signed, I wrote it into my intellectual property and they signed it.
** Episode #192 of the Café De René livestream featured former WWE Women’s Champion Candice Michelle. She shared that she does not think she initially gave Trish Stratus the respect she deserved when they were on the road together.
My favorite story about Trish (Stratus) is obviously, she was very, very over and I remember watching her in the ring to try to learn and it just looked so easy. I was like, ‘I could do that. Why is that so difficult? Why is she being put over so much?’ And what I realized is she worked so hard at her craft and she made it look easy, and this was like a big eye-opener because I was like, when you watch some things, I’m like, ‘I could do that, I could do that’ and then you get in there, you’re like, ‘Oh, it’s a lot different when you’re actually trying to do that,’ and so I don’t think in the very beginning, I really gave her the respect that she deserved but she really earned that respect and I remember her also being a leader and really trying to help people out and where’s she at today, what she’s doing, I just think it speaks tremendously of her character and her talent because she does, she makes it look easy. I mean, she just wrestled like a year ago at WrestleMania and my God, she looks fantastic, right? She hasn’t skipped a beat. Matter of fact, I think she looks better, you know? Than she did back in the day.
Elsewhere in the Q&A, Michelle recounted the Paddle on a Pole match she had on Monday Night Raw in 2006. After the bout, she was yelled at backstage for not hitting Torrie Wilson hard enough with the paddle.
But I did get yelled at for the Paddle on the Pole match (on WWE Raw in 2006). Well, so we did it and I’ve obviously never had a paddle that I spanked somebody with before and Torrie (Wilson) was my friend and so, I win and I get the paddle and she’s on all fours and I gotta spank her and I spanked her fun and cute and I come through the curtain and they were pissed off at me that I didn’t whack the sh*t out of her and I was like, who would have thought? I don’t know. Have you ever taken a paddle to somebody before? (She laughed) I didn’t know that there was a way but clearly, I didn’t do it right and I was like, ‘But I’m happy. I don’t wanna hurt Torrie…’
** Wonder of Stardom Champion Saori Anou was profiled by Tokyo Sports. She started her in-ring career with Actwres girl’Z and the same year she started with the promotion, she began working dates for STARDOM. She was asked if she ever thought about leaving Actwres before actually doing so and there were two occasions when she thought about it. Anou mentioned that in 2017, STARDOM asked her to transfer over, but she opted to remain with the promotion until 2021.
There were two times before I finally quit (Actwres): The first time was when I started competing in STARDOM. The second time was in 2017 when I was asked by STARDOM to transfer. At the time, I was carrying the weight of how to make the group bigger on my own, and it was exhausting, so I was ready to move to STARDOM. But when the organization’s first Korakuen event was scheduled, I thought I should not neglect the feelings of my teammates and those who had helped me in order to improve myself. Mr. Sakaguchi also tried to stop me, in tears, and I decided to stay.
** In May, Alba Fyre, real name Kayleigh Rae, announced that her mother passed away. Details of her mom’s passing were shared by the Daily Record. Rae’s mother, Bridgeen Mitchell (51), was struck by a vehicle in Orlando, Florida as she crossed the street with Rae’s father. They both were hit, but she did not survive. Police officers said the driver cooperated at the scene and no charges are expected to be filed. Mitchell flew out to Florida to visit Kayleigh.
** On August 10th, Trevor Lee is going to be challenging for the wXw Germany Unified World Wrestling Championship.
** Marigold ‘Grand Opening Wars’ Results (6/11/24) from Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan
– MIRAI def. Komomo Minami
– Nagisa Nozaki def. Nao Ishikawa
– Mai Sakurai & Misa Matsui def. CHIAKI & Natsumi Showzuki
– Chika Goto, Kouki Amarei & Miku Aono def. Bozilla, Myla Grace & Zayda Steel
– Sareee def. Victoria Yuzuki
– Utami Hayashishita def. Nanae Takahashi
** Ahead of challenging for Kaito Kiyomiya for the GHC Heavyweight Championship on June 16th, Pro Wrestling NOAH rolled out the following interview with Gabe Kidd:
** AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland appeared on Drinks With Johnny.
** UpUpDownDown released a video of Ricochet and Akira Tozawa playing Mario Kart 64.
** Chris Van Vliet’s interview with Carmella.
** To promote TNA Slammiversary in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, PCO did interviews with Niko Exxtra and Darren Paltrowitz.
** Dragongate Japan Pro-Wrestling ‘Rainbow Gate’ Results (6/11/24) from Jibasan Kurume in Fukuoka, Japan
– KAI & Jason Lee def. U-T & Flamita
– La Estrella def. Ryoya Tanaka
– Dragon Dia & Madoka Kikuta def. Toru Owashi & Ryu Fuda
– Strong Machine J, BIGBOSS Shimizu & Kzy def. Último Dragón, Genki Horiguchi & Yasushi Kanda
– Hyo & Luis Mante def. Shun Skywalker & ISHIN
– YAMATO, Susumu Yokosuka & Kagetora def. Ben-K, B×B Hulk & Minorita
** June 11th birthdays: Hikaru Shida.
** An interview with Drew Parker.
** Brass Ring Media’s Zack Heydorn interviewed TNA Digital Media Champion A.J. Francis:
** Guest appearing on the Paltrocast With Darren Paltrowitz was Joe Hendry.
If any of the quotes from the following podcasts or video interviews are used, please credit those sources, and provide an H/T and link back to POST Wrestling for the transcriptions.